Wednesday 26 November 2014

Briefly I was not the owner nor involved in the car accident I allowed a 18 year old to live in my household due to the poor household condi...


Briefly I was not the owner nor involved in the car accident I allowed a 18 year old to live in my household due to the poor household conditions they lived in. A car accident inwhich he/she was in occured. At the time the individual did not stay under my roof he/she was busy partying he/she got into a vehicle and neither had a liscense. (I am told it was a suicide pack) regardless the driver died the vehicle owner was jailed however the person who again resides in one of my homes is attempting to sue my vehicle insurance for more money than what was awarded. I am fighting this because of principal the insurance is for my relatives and family not an outsider. What is the legal aspect of this in massachusetts and how do I go about getting a lawyer tor epresent my interests.


You can ask your friends or other professionals who do work for you, you can look in the phone book, you can browse web sites. You will have to call and make appointments and talk to lawyers until you find one you want to hire. There are many lawyers who will agree to be paid by the hour to fight for your principles. There are many lawyers who are knowledgeable about insurance and tort law. The fit between you and the lawyer is the difficult part. Best luck. Regards, JBS

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