Thursday 17 July 2014

I live in a project based section 8 apartment , a non profit in my area owns several million dollars worth of properties in my community. A ...


I live in a project based section 8 apartment , a non profit in my area owns several million dollars worth of properties in my community. A person in a different apartment building who also is an ex girlfriend is the reason I'm writing. I'll leave out the drama but I would never talk to her but she continues to call me and once every 6 mos I pick up as I told her to only call if my cat at her home is sick, blah blah the problem is she is very mentally ill she calls 911 at least 2-3 times a month for attention and drugs she is , in my unprofessional but educated opinion a sociopath. she lies constantly and talks about me to anyone that will listen if I don't react the way she wants. The problem is she says serious defaming things about me and slanders me all the time even though I have nothing to do with her and it is getting unbearable and harrassing and embarrising so what I want is her out of this non profit or to the State Hospital or ALF and I want anything written about me by her case mangement that was written as an opinion having to do with me or written because of something the ex gf said about me and Im also afraid of retribution for my housing as she is with a FACT team and they apply no consequences to her actions and seem to not understand I dont call her dont want anything to do with her yet still I get slandred and can their notes or official reports containing lies about me be slander is it criminal or civil whom do I go to next?


This is not a criminal law question. You need to talk to a civil law attorney, and specifically one who handles libel and slander. There aren't many, so I suggest you contact your local lawyer referral service and they can find one that does handle your type of case. Good luck.

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