Monday 26 May 2014

Do I need to get a lawyer before I go to court I was charged with a misdemeanor one and a misdemeanor


Do I need to get a lawyer before I go to court I was charged with a misdemeanor one and a misdemeanor


If you were charged with Drunk Driving in Ohio, you face a maximum time in jail of 180 days and a $1,000.00 fine plus costs. Further, you face a driver's rights suspension. There are lots of things that a good DUI lawyer can do for you (even if you are found guilty). Further, if there were problems with the way that the police gathered the evidence against you, that evidence might not be able to come in to court, making the prosecutor's case difficult or impossible. When charged with DUI, you should speak with a lawyer in your area who practices in that field regularly.


Every time a person is charged with a crime, the first court date is the formal notice of that charge. The court asks you at that time whether you need time to find a lawyer or whether you need them to appoint one for you because you can't afford it. So the first court date is an opportunity to go there without a lawyer and that should be the only time you appear on these charges without a lawyer.

Call me at any time directly for any further explanations you need. 216.952.1990

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