Sunday, 13 April 2014

My son (he's 10) kicked a rock at the bus stop today and a man came out and said the rock cracked his windshield. He came to our house and h...


My son (he's 10) kicked a rock at the bus stop today and a man came out and said the rock cracked his windshield. He came to our house and had my son tell my husband that he did kick a rock. My question is what are my rights? I don't trust people now days so how do I know that the rock that my son kicked was the one that broke his windshield. The man didn't call the police and make a report,so do you have any suggestions. I haven't called my insurance yet so I really don't know what to do? The man is coming by after work to talk to us.

Thank you so much.


You can do a search of the man's name through Missouri Casenet to see if this man has had any criminal or civil cases in Missouri, in the past, that would give you cause for pause. If you have any qualms about the veracity of this man's statement, perhaps you should call the Police. If you do not want to call the Police, you might determine, from your Son, if he thinks he broke the windshield. If you beleive yrou Son's denial, then tell the man you will nto pay for anew window. If the car is old, or otherwise beat up, you might offer to pay part of the bill for a new windshield. If you decide to pay for the glass, you should be the one to buy it, and pay the money directly a reputable company (of your choice) that does the work.

Good luck

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