Monday 21 April 2014

I was arrested and am being charged with criminal trespassing. Basically, my brother was having some sort of altercation and came and got me...


I was arrested and am being charged with criminal trespassing. Basically, my brother was having some sort of altercation and came and got me, we then went outside. We were both highly intoxicated and for some reason or another were not wanted back inside. I however had an expensive coat with glasses and car keys inside of the bar and when I asked if I could go back in the bouncers got physical and aggressive with me, slammed me on the ground and held me there. My brother called the police and they came and arrested us both for criminal trespassing. Is there any way I could get these charges dropped?


"Dropped"? Probably not. Successfully defended at a trial? Very possibly. Find a good criminal attorney in your community to help you; there is no formula that can be given to you on a computer forum to handle this.

Good luck.

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