Sunday 20 April 2014

I had asked if I would set off a red light camera by being on the first line of the croswalk when the light turns red. I was told that most ...


I had asked if I would set off a red light camera by being on the first line of the croswalk when the light turns red. I was told that most judges would not find me guilty. However as a followup, would I usually set off the camera by being on the first line of the crosswalk and if I do would I be sent a ticket or would the person who reviews these things throw it out? I had understood that being only as far as the first line of the crosswalk wouldn't trigger the camera but I am unsure. I was NOT in the intersection. Would I trigger the camera?


The only way to answer that question is that it is up to the judge and since it is up to the judge, you can either go to court and find out the answer, or hire an attorney who can fight for you to find out the answer. Then again I wouldn't even be worrying about whether or not you "set off" a camera until or unless you actually receive one.

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