This is a huge issue in my house and I'm very stressed by my rights being infringed upon.
Over a year ago I became very ill and was forced to resign from my government job, move out of my condo and move into my parents new house in which the assured me I would have my own private space to do what I want with which for the most part they have. I have a 2500 sq basement with bedroom and private full bath. The issue is storing a handgun in the house.
I have offered to buy a biometric safe that can only be opened with my fingerprint or code. They said no to that. I talked to a good friend who is a federal agent for the US government (prefer not to say what agency for national security measures). This person suggested I put the biometric safe in my vehicle and store the gun in my vehicle that way it would not be under "their " roof. The safe would be secured to the body of the vehicle and still only be accessed by my fingerprint or code. This vehicle is not parked in their garage but is parked in their driveway.
Do they have any legal right to prevent me from storing anything inside my vehicle which is my personal property and has no affiliation with any person in this house besides myself. My stepfather is the one with this personal problem with me having a gun inside the house but he never rides in my truck and neither does my mother. The only passenger that rides in my truck on a consultant basis is my dog but I'm pretty sure he isn't against me owning a gun.
I feel like all my rights to own a firearm have been striped of me because of this.
I also offered to take a gun safety class, an advanced gun safety and defense class which would also certify me to earn a valid certificate for a CCW. Everything I have offered has been turned down.
So since my vehicle is my personal property but parked in their driveway do I still have the legal right to safely store this handgun??
Thank you for all your help.
No, I would have to say that unless you're currently renting the premises you now occupy in your parents' home pursuant to an enforceable lease which contains a provision that allows you to keep a firearm on these premises, that you have no particular legal right to do so if your parents' are opposed to it.
And, no, storing the gun in your vehicle while it is parked on their property
would make no difference (in my opinion) since it would still be on their property while your legal status appears to be essentially that of a guest which may persist only as long as your parents suffer it to do so.
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