Tuesday 28 January 2014

I got two DUIs 8 years apart. The last one was in 2009. The judge gave me a huge fine, 90 days in county jail and five years state parole, b...


I got two DUIs 8 years apart. The last one was in 2009. The judge gave me a huge fine, 90 days in county jail and five years state parole, but county supervise. I am done with all of it. I don't have no felonies, other charges, alcohol problem, drug problem or been in a mental health care. I been wanted a firearm and LTCF for defense and range purposes. I learned basic handgun skill and been to the shooting range. The reason why is to make sure that this is something I wanna get into before buying an carry a handgun. I wanna purchase a firearm, but I don't know if the DUIs is going to effect it. Need advice and opinions about the law in Pa. So I can understand before purchase a firearm.


You were sentenced on a misdemeanor of the first degree with a maximum penalty of five years. It would be illegal for you to possess a firearm.

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