Thursday, 22 January 2015

Large truck vs. Motorcycle collision, resulting in a fatality, numerous bystanders, driver flees the scene and hides/barricades them self in...


Large truck vs. Motorcycle collision, resulting in a fatality, numerous bystanders, driver flees the scene and hides/barricades them self into a nearby ( approx. 250 ft) office building. *this occurred on a Sunday, the building was not open and was locked, but the driver had a key.

My question is:

Is this a hit & run? If so, is it a Felony hit & run? And also how could a person get nfo about the case?


Yes, it's a hit and run. A person involved in a motor vehicle collision must stop and exchange information in a property damage case and/or render aid in a collision that results in injury. It sounds from your description that the driver did neither, but instead fled and tried to hide. Yes, it would be a felony.

How do you get information? Court files are public record - anyone could go to the courthouse and request to view the file. There are some documents that are protected, but the charges and proceedings are open to the public. Some counties even have that information online.

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