Tuesday 21 October 2014

How can you stop a horrible rumour that isn't true?

How can you stop a horrible rumour that isn't true?
It always hard to be in this position as regardless of what you say the damage has been done and people will believe what they want. All you can do is voice your feelings and truth to whom you want and/or in a way that will allow people to know your side. Be careful of whom you trust and befriend. Unfortunately people can be cruel and jealous which leads to situations like this as they are setting out the hurt you and your reputation for whatever selfish reasons they have such as a boy/girl, jealous in general of you or just plain bullying. Try to ignore what is going on, move on and don't let it bother you. I realize it sounds easier said then done but people are looking for a reaction and if they see that you are not letting it bother you they are not getting what they want and you are not giving in to them - don't let such petty people get the better of you - they are just not worth it. Go about what you normally do and things will blow over and get better with time. In the meanwhile try to casually distance yourself from individuals that are harmful to you.

Yes, the person above me is definitely right. What really ticks me off is when people give you dirty looks and they just stay away from you. Its almost like there's a huge plastic bubble around you that no one wants to touch. The individuals who are spreading rumors are probably people who are un-confident and they have nothing better to do with their life than make other people feel bad. Don't let these people ruin your life. Right, keep your distance. If other people have heard this horrible rumor, and they believe it just because of someone telling them with no proof, then they are just as un-confident as the people spreading the rumor. If the rumor hasn't spread too far, befriend the people who you know haven't heard. Once the rumor gets to them, and if what your personality has been like so far is completely the opposite, then they shouldn't believe the rumor.
And yes, like the person above me said, it will pass. These people will definitely not get as far as you in their lives, and one day, they might be regretting how they treated you.
Hope this helps you and whoever else needs to read this. :-)

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