Wednesday 24 September 2014

Hello,I have a unique situation. I am a long term commercial lease holder on a piece of property for the last 4 years. Never late on a singl...



I have a unique situation. I am a long term commercial lease holder on a piece of property for the last 4 years. Never late on a single bill and in no way in violation of my lease. The landlord however has turned out to be a deadbeat landlord and in turn has lost utilities to his property and has violated the lease agreement in a multiple of ways. The County is looking to pull his use permit for the property but has not done so. The County has ordered this landlord to file unlawful detainers on all tenants and lease holders to quickly evict them. But the county has given him no violations or paperwork or anything in writing what so ever. I have a lot to loose by being pushed out. My entire business and livelihood. There is no possible way I can move out in a hurry and face loosing all of my personal property. My lease is very well written and states an amount of time that I would need to move if in violation. Can anyone please help and give me an idea of how this might play out by a judge? Thanks C.


Your story does not add-up. The county has no power to order a landlord to evict tenants, and they certainly would not do it without paperwork. I don't know what the real story is, but it is not as you describe it. Is your landlord lying? I don't know. It just doesn't add up.

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