Tuesday 24 March 2015

My next door neighbors have been blasting their music for the last 11 years. A sergeant has been out to tell them to stop. Over 15 calls hav...


My next door neighbors have been blasting their music for the last 11 years. A sergeant has been out to tell them to stop. Over 15 calls have been made to 911. Officers tell them to shut the music off. They wait until they leave and blast it again. I am assuming these 2 men are on SSI because they live with their mother and don't work. They have threatened me, broken my car window, it goes on and on. I do intend to move but other people who have put houses up for sale have lost money because of these people. If I take them to Small Claims Court can they cry they have nothing or will the courts make them pay up? The Sergeant advised me to get plenty of proof and documentation because he himself went through the same thing. I have been miserable for 11 years. I cannot go in my backyard, sleep late, have a picnic outside because as soon as I step foot outside they blast their music and drink beer. To try to intimidate me they pointed a camera at my front step and in my backyard. There are police reports galore of excessive noise, verbal and physical threats. I reside in Philadelphia.


Filing a lawsuit your recourse. documentation should include other witnesses to substantiate the noise.

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