Wednesday 31 December 2014

How does electronic media benefit administrative offices?

How does electronic media benefit administrative offices?
The 21st Century is the age of information technology, people want their information as quickly as the thought came to mind. People don't want to wait to have their information. These days the speed at which one can obtain information is incredible. Electronic media allows administrative offices to share information and maintain important business tasks quickly and efficiently. With that said, that has increased the chances for that information to be tampered with through viruses, hackers, etc. This is important to administrative offices because their cliet/customer/patient information, their data, their records, financial information, needs to be stored, protected, and easy to obtain all at the same time. The company Semper Vivo is a revolution in IT infrastructure. Semper Vivo offeres data security and storage for small and medium businesses including medical practices, while making it simple to use, easy to access, and it secures back up for all of the businesses important information. Semper Vivo lets business owners worry about their business instead of IT maintenance and it allows employees to enhance their productivity, instead of wasting time and money trying to figure out IT issues. Semper Vivo offers these services for much cheaper then it costs to hire someone to be on-site or to hire outside IT personell on an as needed basis, with expensive monthly retainer fees and hundreds of dollars in hourly pay for each problem that a business runs into. For businesses to stay competitive they have to be up to date on new technology and trends or they'll be overcome by other businesses that have used technology to their benefit and succeeded.

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