Tuesday 24 June 2014

I took my daughter away from the mother because she's involved in prostitution I have a witness willing to testify or sign an affadavit I ha...


I took my daughter away from the mother because she's involved in prostitution

I have a witness willing to testify or sign an affadavit I have a custody hearing in a few weeks how can I get a hold of an affadavit form


Why don't you have a lawyer handling this, if custody of your daughter is important. A Judge won't likely accept any affidavits at the hearing.


There is no "affidavit" and affidavits are inadmissable. You need human witnesses, and, since you don't know how to examine them, you need a lawyer. It was a gigantic mistake to file pro se, and most pro se cases go VERY badly. And if you were not married to the mother and have not legitimated the child, you have committed a serious crime, kidnapping, unless you got an emergency order at filing. You are hopelessly over your head and headed for disaster. In the morning, hire your lawyer.

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