Thursday 26 June 2014

i have questions regarding felony drug conviction in Michigan, is it possible to get them reduced for make them private?


i have questions regarding felony drug conviction in Michigan, is it possible to get them reduced for make them private?


It depends. There is always a chance to negotiate the charge down from a high level felony to a low level felony or a felony to a misdemeanor. Or, if you have no prior drug convictions, you may be eligible for sentencing under 7411 which keeps the record of your conviction "private" and prevents the mandatory driver's license sanctions. However, this is a deal that must be made beforehand and cannot be made after you are convicted or have pled guilty. There may be issues with your case that could get the evidence suppressed or the charges dismissed. If you have pending drug charges, call our office or start looking for an experienced criminal defense attorney right away.


You said "conviction" ... so the case is over? You either pled or were convicted by a trial, and have been sentenced? If that's the case, then your charge cannot be reduced. You were convicted of what you were convicted. About the only exception would be if you were convicted and sentenced to some specialized probation program like MCL 333.7411 (only drug possession or drug use, not delivery, manufacturing or possession with intent to deliver), HYTA (for people 17 or older and less than 22), but those both result in dismissals, not reductions ... and you'd already know about them because your attorney would have argued successfully for them at sentencing. so it sounds like you want a do-over, which is not possible.

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