Re: minor traffic collision (at fault).
Damage toy front bumper and the other parties back bumper.
Minor scratches therefore the other party and I decided to settle with a cash payment. We did not report to police because it Was not major. Total estimate was $450- I paid $200. Can they sue me go not paying the rest? It's their word against mine and I do not feel that a minor scratch can cost up to $450. Please advise.
If you agreed on your payment of $200, that should be it. As you recognize, the terms of the agreement involve your word against theirs. Realistically, it might not be worth their while to sue for $250. They could recover the filing fee and service of process cost if they were to win. If they don't win, though, they'd be out that money as well as the other $250. Repair shops might have to remove the bumper or bumper cover to repair it, so $450 might not be as unreasonable a cost as you might think.
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