Friday 27 February 2015

My ex boyfriend threatened to take our two year old daughter from me. He no longer lives with us in our apartment, but he pays rent while I ...


My ex boyfriend threatened to take our two year old daughter from me. He no longer lives with us in our apartment, but he pays rent while I pay other bills (an arrangement we made). I have offered him several chances to see our daughter (supervised) but he bails to do other things. He doesn't buy her things, spend time with her or take care of her. He blames me, however, says I'm "uncooperative and impossible to be around". I recently decided to stop trying and he even stated she was "better off with him". Recently, he threatened to take me to court, stating that him paying rent is him taking care of our daughter and that he is going to take her away from me or at least get partial custody. He has paranoid schizophrenia, borderline personality disorder and a history of being in mental hospitals and he never established paternity. I want him out of our lives 100%. Is there a possibility of him gaining any sort of custody and what can I bring to court to prove him unfit?


You both have several issues, and you will need to consult with an experienced family law attorney in order to resolve your issues in a proper manner.

And, I would suggest that you retain a qualified custody attorney to file a suit affecting the parent child relationship (SAPCR), as soon as possible, and before he does, and work with that attorney to prepare for your defense against his alleged attacks.

A custody battle will not be easy or inexpensive to defend.

In the end, the court will appoint one of you as the primary care-giver, and that parent will make the majority of the decisions regarding the child(ren) and they will receive child support, while the other parent will see the child(ren) occasionally and will be paying child support.


Goldstein & Scopellite, PC has qualified family law attorneys, divorce lawyers and child custody attorneys available to represent you at either one of their law offices located in Dallas, Texas and Tucson, Arizona - Please visit their websites at and for more information or to contact them. Thank you.

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