Monday 24 March 2014

How can you manage change?

How can you manage change?
Some people deny change and fight it. But that's a lot like fighting the current in a river. Eventually you get tired out and you drown. A way to manage change is to accept the fact change is going to happen. There's nothing more certain than change. We don't always know what the change is or where it's going to take us. Sometimes what looks like a change is a fad and won't last long and you can rid that wave understanding it will die out sooner or later. Change, like most things, cost money to accommodate. So have reserve funds so when a change occurs, such as one of my customers is a printer and when technology changes he's prepared because he has the means to go with that flow. Also consider that every change has a ripple effect. There may be a change in technology or the law or whatever but that change may effect other aspects such as work routines and specific work duties will have to change too. One final thing. I never try ride the crest of the wave of changes. With change comes mistakes. Let others surge forward, make the mistakes that I can then learn lessons from.

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