Saturday 21 March 2015

I was forced to move out of my home as I could no longer take physical and verbal abuse of my husband of 20 yrs, I still own the property jo...


I was forced to move out of my home as I could no longer take physical and verbal abuse of my husband of 20 yrs, I still own the property jointly with him and am financially responsible for the mortgage. I filed for divorce 45 days ago, and found out last night he has moved another-married woman into my home without my permission, and yes I still have all my possessions in the home, furniture, clothing, heirlooms, boat, etc . What can I do to have this unauthorized person removed from my property.


The answer has not changed since you posted the identical question on another legal help website. Here is the answer you received there:

I hope with so much at stake you did not make the mistake of filing pro se. If you have a lawyer, call him or her Monday morning to address this. You CANNOT remove her "immediately" (a court may do so at some point) and she does not have claims to the marital assets, but this is a development that a good attorney will use to your advantage. If you are doing this pro se, with no training as to the steps and procedure, you will do about a swell as if you had appendicitis and removed your own appendix with a kitchen knife. In other words, you have a case where you face a bad result without counsel, and any delay in getting counsel coulkd prove very costly.


Glen is absolutely right

Waiting to hire counsel can be VERY detrimental

Call one TODAY

Office 770.985.6773 (24x7)


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