Sunday 22 March 2015

i have a will and testament signed and notarized.the guy has died and money unvolved what do i do with paper who do i give it too


i have a will and testament signed and notarized.the guy has died and money unvolved what do i do with paper who do i give it too


Who is "the guy"? Is he a relative? I recommend taking the will to the probate division of the court in the county where he last resided. If the will is an original, it should be filed with the court (no fee). If the will is a copy, the court can let you know if the original has already been filed. If you know who the Personal Representative (Executor) is that is mentioned in the will, you should notify that person. If that person is you, consult an attorney that handles probate matters.


You contact an attorney and seek to file probate if there are assets that need title to be cleared. As pointed out by Mr. Coenson, you need to have the original will to file the probate.

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