Friday, 20 February 2015

My son's home was foreclosed on. All of my belongings, furniture, appliances, antiques, glassware, dishes, etc. were sold by the sheriff's d...


My son's home was foreclosed on. All of my belongings, furniture, appliances, antiques, glassware, dishes, etc. were sold by the sheriff's department while I was out of town. Was this legal?


The answer to your question may depend upon the purpose for the sale. If it was for nonpayment of a mortgage on the house, the sale of your personal belongings may have been wrong. If it was for the Satisfaction of a general debt, the sale of personal belongings is okay, until your Son raises his statutory exemptions. Either way, you can raise your property rights in the circuit court where the sale took place. But, you have a shirt time to do that.

You should consult directly with a civil practice attorney, in that county, as soon as you can.

Good luck

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