Friday 3 April 2015

post judgement problemsThe judgement of divorce has been until this date unenforceable. The Judge placed the assets in an irrevocable trust...


post judgement problems

The judgement of divorce has been until this date unenforceable. The Judge placed the assets in an irrevocable trust and made provisions for the children. However, the children were not able to maintain full time status or graduate. This has caused much dissension and unhappiness. My ex husband was supposed to pay me support and then I was supposed to pay the children However he never paid support I was unable to provide for myself, he offered the children room and board and then my financial accounts were ruined and he bought a house. I rented a room. Is it possible to approach the Judge and say this truly is not working. I need relief and I can prove that some of the representations were incorrect. My concern is for the children, I wish them to be treated fairly and equitable. However, I really can't provide much on a teachers salary. There father is an attorney. I do not have money for an attorney and I would like to be able to address the Judge to ask for relief.


Re: post judgement problems

It is completely unclear as to what happened in your situation.

I do not think it is possible for any attorney to advise you as to how to proceed.

I can only suggest that you hire and pay an attorney to fight this fight for you.

I do this kind of work all the time.

The settlement agreement (or divorce judgment, if it did not settle) should say what happens. Your description just does not seem to make sense.

It also does not sound fair nor right. Are the kids going to be able to go to college? Are you getting the child support that you were supposed to get? The alimony?

I am in Hackensack (northern New Jersey). If you would like to retain me, please call my office and speak to my secretary.

My contact information can be obtained from the links below, just click on the Attorney Profile link. Let my secretary know you found me through LawGuru.

Disclaimer: Your question and any response does NOT create an attorney-client relationship between you

and this law firm. You can not rely on the statements made by an attorney given over the internet. The

exact facts of your situation, including facts which you have not mentioned in your question, may completely change the result for your situation.


Re: post judgement problems

You have a messy case that needs to be turned around sooner rather than later. That is going to require a good attorney.

My initial consultations are always free, so call me at 732/247/3340 to discuss your case.

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