Friday 3 April 2015

My friend and i got arrested last night for Property Damage 2ed but when the officer arrested us he did not read us our rights. Now when we ...


My friend and i got arrested last night for Property Damage 2ed but when the officer arrested us he did not read us our rights. Now when we go to court and we say that what will happen? Will the charges be dropped or does it not matter that he didnt read them to us?


You should hire an attorney to represent you, and so should your friend. The police are not required to read everyone their rights unlike what you see on t.v. Hire an attorney! I have handled hundreds of criminal cases over the last thirty-five years, and I might be able to offer my services to you for a reasonable fee. Please fe free to contact me for a free telephone consultation.


The reading of Miranda rights is regarding a detainee (most often an arrestee) understanding that they do not have to answer questions posed by police officers, firemen or federal agents. The way that "reading of the rights" plays into prosecutions is that a defendant can have statements, confessions, ( sometimes objects discovered by the police based loon those statements) excluded from the evidence that a prosecutor may present at trial. , because the officers or agents did not tell the arrestee that they have the right to remain silent, to not answer any questions, that if they choose to answer questions, any answers they give CAN be presented against them im Court. You may need to at last consult directly with defense counsel, even if you don't hire one, because while your statements may not be used against you, it might be used against your friend, and his against you.

Good luck

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