Sunday 22 March 2015

We have had child for 14years . We have had full custody since 2008. She is 14 years old mother has been is prison 4 times since 2007. Dad j...


We have had child for 14years . We have had full custody since 2008. She is 14 years old mother has been is prison 4 times since 2007. Dad just got out in August . He is alcoholic he has seen her 2 times in last 3 years. He lives less than10 miles from us. She has asked us for over 2 years to adopt her. We have asked them in past and they said they would sign papers. Now ha will not call what is best way to handle this


You can move to terminate their rights and adopt if they will not voluntarily sign it. It is not as easy and I strongly recommend seeking counsel for this

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