Monday 23 March 2015

Mid last year I was hit head on by a driver who crossed the media(which is 15-20 yards wide) I tried to move but was struck anyway. I've suf...


Mid last year I was hit head on by a driver who crossed the media(which is 15-20 yards wide) I tried to move but was struck anyway. I've suffered multiple right toe fractures which required surgery and pins, minor left toe fracture no surgery, left knee fracture no surgery but wore brace for several months left arm laceration, which needed skin graft due to severe scarring; a ruptured diaphragm which needed immediate surgery, I would not have made it but for being air lifted, where I spent 2 weeks in the hospital and another 2 in a rehab hospital. Suffer from some ptsd and have been in PT for 4 about months, and have had several DR. Visits. WC has fitted the bill since I was on the job, which may be $100k-$300k. The adverse driver was % 100 at fault but has $15k-$30k policy, my employer has $1m UM policy. What do you think my case is worth? Thank you for your time.


While it is not possible to give you the case value without first reviewing your medical bills, WC lien, future medical care cost, lost wages and loss of future wages, your case can easily cross the $1M policy line.

You will most definitely need a proper evaluation and representation in order to get just compensation. Feel free call if you have further questions, there will be charge. 323-782-0099.

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