Friday 20 March 2015

I live in an apartment and we have two neighbors that love to call and put complaints in against us because we are all young. The first time...


I live in an apartment and we have two neighbors that love to call and put complaints in against us because we are all young. The first time I could understand since we were a little loud during a housewarming party. That night we talked to the owner of the apartments and he told us to just keep it down and that next time it should be over before 12am, we agreed. However, we just got another complaint and when I asked what for she just said complaints. This lady is the manager of the office and from day one has been rude and nasty to us. We gave her no reason to. We pay our bills and rent on time we keep the place clean and follow the rules. Wednesday we had a surprise get together for my boyfriends birthday it was only 4 of us so I wouldnt call that a party. We had no music going, no tv playing, nothing illegal happening, just cake and balloons! At 9pm we all left and went to a bar to play pool and watch a baseball game and came back at 11 and went to bed. I really couldnt see how we violated anything. I got a wakeup call this morning saying that the property manager (lady) wants to speak with us about the complaints. Can she legally do anything when we didnt violate anything?


Have her produce what exactly was the complaint. While there ask her if she is being ugly to you for some reason. that you have always thought she was really nice and have told others what a great personl she is. Smoooge it and you will get more.

As long as you have not violated your lease - and the complaint is directed at something that you did and she is positive it was NOT perhaps another tenant, then they will probably warn you that you could be evicted.

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