Monday 23 March 2015

Hi, I got myself into some trouble with a casino in AC. I was issued a substantial marker after a good friend of mine, who was considered a ...


Hi, I got myself into some trouble with a casino in AC. I was issued a substantial marker after a good friend of mine, who was considered a "high roller" vouched for me. Well I took the marker and numerous times and paid it back. In June 2013 I took the marker lost it my friend requested a increase on his account but because he had to much outstanding he was not able to get it approved, due to the fact it was late and the supervisor was not able to be reached. So my friend contacted his host and got my line increased. so I took 50k and lent it to my "friend" so he lost it and over the next few months he lost everything he had. Now I am stuck with the marker. I made 19k in payments over 20 months, but now the casino is looking for 18k in interest plus a large monthly payment that I can not afford. I have been paying them every month between 500 and 1500 a month. They accepted these payments and once I started getting it paid they pull this. I am pretty sure I am "non garnishable I receive disability pension ... But I don't want a judgement.. Do I stand a chance in court with my payment history ? What's the chance the judge sides with me since I am paying religiously. Ty


Paying religiously means absolutely nothing. The Agreement you signed in order to procure the marker presumably had terms of repayment which you failed to meet. However, an attorney can occasionally assert defenses which, if true, could force the casino to settle for pennies on the dollar. Alternatively, a lawyer could show the Casino proof that you are on disability and the Casino might simply discontinue rather than chasing bad money with good.

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