Thursday, 10 July 2014

what is the law here on 3.22.13, I received paperwork from my lawyer ordered by the judge because there was not going to be any waiver on a...


what is the law here on 3.22.13, I received paperwork from my lawyer ordered by the judge because there was not going to be any waiver on accounting, so the first I ever seen ay illegal documents that transfer real property, I need to know, isn't that when the Statue of limitations would start the day we received that paperwork, after the judges order? We never saw that paperwork prior to the Judges order in Probate.

I need to know what the case law is on that, on the Statue of Limitations, With a no waiver from a judge? Doesn't the Statue of Limitation start once I receive the paperwork because he said there'd be no waiver on the accounting? That's when I received the fraudulent documents, so wouldn't the stats start once I received those documents? The documents were dated 2/2010, but I never saw these documents until after 3.22.13, so when would the stats start?

Why would the judge give an order

And he told her he would give her five years if she lied to him and if the statue a limitation had ran out why would he give an order like that?


You should speak with your lawyer. That is why you hired them.

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