Friday, 13 June 2014

What is the legal age in tx to move out of my parents house


What is the legal age in tx to move out of my parents house


The age of majority is 18. IF certain legal conditions exist, you could leave at 17. Once a kid turns 17, even though they are a minor for civil purposes, they are an adult under the criminal statute. Under juvenile law, there are status offenses, which are not criminal, one of which is runaway. Once you turn 17, you are not governed by the juvenile statutes, so you can no longer be termed as a status offender runaway. However, IF there are any court orders governing residence, including prior juvenile, JP, or municipal court orders then your residence is probably restricted. Additionally, if your parents separated or divorced, there are probably Family Court orders restricting your residence. If you leave, you have to report your address to the local PD and/or parents, so that you will not be treated and apprehended as a Missing Person. Lastly, if you are not be abused, you are better off waiting until you turn 18.

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