Saturday, 7 June 2014

I filed an answer to a petition for divorce recently. There is something I would like to add to the document. I would like to ask for alimon...


I filed an answer to a petition for divorce recently. There is something I would like to add to the document. I would like to ask for alimony and I didn't request it in the paperwork. Is it too late? We haven't gone to mediation, and we don't even have a court date scheduled yet. And if it's not too late what would I have to do?


First of all, things will go VERY badly without a lawyer. Make hiring one - immediately - your priority. Answers can be amended, but you do not request ANYTHING in an answer. That's done in a counterclaim. By the way, the failure rate in pro se mediations is huge, and the success rate in ones with an attorney is high, partly because you do don't have anyone otherwise to steer the process and make objective determinations.


An answer simply answers the petition or complaint. You would need to file a counterclaim in order to put forth your issues. I strongly urge you to speak with an attorney as you do not know the law and the case can end up badly for you.

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