If Mexico can file a lawsuit against Alabama for passing a law for making it unlawful for being an undocumented (illegal) alien in the state; can an American citizen file a lawsuit against the country of Mexico for allowing its citizens to entry our country illegally?
The premise would be that by not policing its own borders, Mexico may be intentially permitting drug trade, human trafficking and the passage of undocumented Mexican citizens into North America.
Since you got your facts wrong, your question cannot be answered.
The government of Mexico NEVER sued the state of Arizona. The government did submit an amicus curiae brief expressing its concerns in the suits filed by the ACLU and other groups. Interested parties often file amicus briefs in federal court and a judge is free to consider or disregard them. Some cases generate hundreds of such briefs.
As for whether you can sue the government of Mexico, it is unlikely any Georgia lawyer on this board will know. You'd need to retain a lawyer in Mexico, pay him and ask him. I suspect the answer is no, but that depends on their court system, which likely has some version of soverign immunity.
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