Friday 3 April 2015

Why is it that managers motivate their employees?

Why is it that managers motivate their employees?
Managers motivate staff to get them to work more effectively and efficiently.
Think about something you enjoy doing ... if you enjoy it, you don't mind doing it. You'd quite happily do it almost any time, and usually give it your full attention.

Now think about something you don't like doing. You'll actively try to think of ways of not doing it, or if you really can't avoid it, you may not do your best job at it.

It's the same at work. If you can find an element of your role that you enjoy, then you're more likely to put effort into it. Part of a manager's job is to try to help you find that element that you enjoy, so you can willingly do the work.

Some might enjoy a competitive environment, whereas others might enjoy a feeling of satisfaction at a job well done. Managers may not always get it right first time, which is why they may try different strategies with different people.

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