Wednesday 1 April 2015

I was arrested for possession of roughly two grams of marijuana and paraphernalia (a metal pipe). This is my first offense, and I can afford...


I was arrested for possession of roughly two grams of marijuana and paraphernalia (a metal pipe). This is my first offense, and I can afford a lawyer if needed. what is my best case scenario and worst? Should I hire an attorney or stay with a public defender?


Whether you should hire a private attorney or stay with a public defender is a personal decision that only you can make. There are good and bad public defenders just as there are good and bad private lawyers, but of course there are other factors to consider in making your decision. Worst case scenario, you have a felony/misdemeanor criminal record that affects you for live; best case scenario there is a defense or suppression issue that requires dismissal, and of course there are many more possible outcomes in between.

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