Sunday 22 March 2015

My sister who is an attorney withheld my mother's will. I was a co-executor with her on it. I had a copy of my mother's will which I gave to...


My sister who is an attorney withheld my mother's will. I was a co-executor with her on it. I had a copy of my mother's will which I gave to my lawyer who pretended the will was filed. My sister filed intestate. I was never sent the documents. (I went myself to get them.)

My sister also drained several of my mother's accounts.


And your question is, what can you do about it? Consult your attorney or hire another attorney. Time is of the essence in situations like this. If there were a probate case opened in court, you would have the opportunity to appear and object. Your statement that your sister "filed intestate" we'd need to know what you mean by these words. Similarly, how did your sister "withhold" the will? Did your sister drain the accounts improperly or were the accounts given to her through a beneficiary designation? Questions to spend some time on with a qualified professional.

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