Sunday 22 March 2015

I went on Vacation to PR checking out of the hotel and leaving the 24th. After I checked out and made it to the airport I noticed I left my ...


I went on Vacation to PR checking out of the hotel and leaving the 24th. After I checked out and made it to the airport I noticed I left my HD plugged into the TV and it has all of my son's pictures and videos since birth on there. While at the airport I called the hotel they told me they would check and give me a call back. The General manager called me back while I was still at the airport and said he had retrieved it. I told him I know someone about two hours away who could pick it up and he said he could send it to me. I called on the 15th after not receiving a confirmation number or package for over two weeks. They finally gave me a confirmation number on the 22 after calling several time and saying he the GM was sick or off site and no one knew what was going on for an address in another state FL and they have not been able to get it back. I have email traffic of me giving him the correct address in NC and him saying he will send it on the 25th. According to the confirmation he didn't send it until the 8th of April to another guest he is now unable to contact who received the package on the 13th. They have contacted the post office to try and retireve the package and no luck. Even though he has apologized and taken responibility I will never get those pictures and videos of my child back even if they replace the HD which really bothers me and I was wondering what my options are?


First, why did you post this to Georgia lawyers? Your option is to keep what you are doing to try to track the item down? HD is a hard drive (you did not say)? That is about it. Nothing, other than locating it, will get the pictures back. Presumably, the item alone might be worth a hundred bucks, or not much more? The hotel might reimburse you for a new one. In most cases like this, the response is they don't have it or didn't find it. It is not clear what you expect as "options" from lawyers? I hate to state the obvious, but we are years beyond the point at which everyone should know to back up to at least two places.

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