Monday 23 March 2015

A woman recently pressed charges on me for stealing her iPhone, problem is , I never did. Her daughter is a close friend of my sisters, so w...


A woman recently pressed charges on me for stealing her iPhone, problem is , I never did. Her daughter is a close friend of my sisters, so when this woman's daughter got a new iPhone she gave my sister her old iPhone. Months have passed and my sister still has the iPhone. My phone recently broke and my sister have me the iPhone to have, the iPhone is now under my two year contract plan and I have been paying for it. All of a sudden that I have this phone, the previous owners make an uproar about it and starts harassing my sister and I. I have messages of her cussing at us and calling me names. Myself and my family have never said anything back to her. The cops were involved and said I could keep the phone, she didn't like that and pressed charges on me saying I stole the phone from her, when it was given to me by my sister. Now I have court in a month. What should I expect ? What should I do to prepare my self ?


You probably need to hire an attorney to represent you. But if you can't, just go to court and tell the exact story of what happened like you have done above. The more proof you have, the better. For example, will the daughter testify for you? You absolutely need your sister to testify. If there are any other witnesses, ask them to come too. If you do not have an attorney, you will have to call your witnesses to the stand and question them. You'd be much better off to hire an attorney in your area.

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