Thursday, 2 January 2014

I just got a new support order on my ex. It says he has to pay 750 in support and 216 in cash medical. I pay only 40 for Hawk i (in Iowa) fo...


I just got a new support order on my ex. It says he has to pay 750 in support and 216 in cash medical. I pay only 40 for Hawk i (in Iowa) for my kids' insurance plus I pay 100 for dental and I am responsible for all copays, deductibles, non-covered stuff. (Under old decree). We are right on the bubble for qualifying. My step son moved in with us which kept us qualified, although he is currently covered under his mom's plan still.

so will my ex still pay that cash medical or will it just go away? I'm confused about the support. He was paying 559 for two kids and NO medical ever prior to this based on his 28,0000 income. His new income is 51,000 but the support only went up 200. It's been frozen for 5 years because before he was working for cash and not paying. He quit his job as a deputy and then finally got the 28,0000 factory job. He went to court three times in two years for reductions so I signed a five year freeze saying nobody could change it and the minute I signed it he got his old job back. He has skated by. I just don't understand this. It seems low, unless the medical is attached.


If you have his financials you can work out what his support should be using the uniform guidelines contained in the Iowa Rules of Court which is available online.

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