Tuesday 31 March 2015

At what age in Utah can child say no to visitation to the non custodial parentparent of the divorce?


At what age in Utah can child say no to visitation to the non custodial parentparent of the divorce?


Technically, there is no age at which a child can make that choice. The custodial parent has an obligation to make sure the child is going with the other parent for his/her parent time and if that's not happening, the custodial parent may run into some problems with the court. Generally, if a child is protesting going with the other parent for parent time, it's usually based in some deeper problems that maybe should be addressed in therapy for the child or therapy that involves the child and the non-custodial parent.

After receiving a letter from the civil complaint review board my complaint against a group of officers was substantiated and the officers a...


After receiving a letter from the civil complaint review board my complaint against a group of officers was substantiated and the officers abused their powers, I would like to know if I can bring up a civil case against the city of New York?


Just about all attorneys will tell you that anyone can file a lawsuit. The real question is: can you win? In your case, it all depends on your damages and whether the officers breech of your civil rights rises to a level that is address in a court of law. Keep in mind that some of the most important civil rights victories (desegregation of schools) did not confer a monetary award to the plaintiffs.

I am the bio aunt to my sisters three kids who were taken from her and placed into foster care 3 years ago. And due to circumstances of my o...


I am the bio aunt to my sisters three kids who were taken from her and placed into foster care 3 years ago. And due to circumstances of my own, I was unable to get them, so now, the foster mom (who had the opportunity to adopt them and turned it down) has non-relative guardianship of them. I am now able to care for them, and so I applied for an appeal of her guardianship, but was denied, stating it wasn't in the best interest of the children (although I have passed a background check etc) the file contained no details as to why or anything, so I contacted the court and the kids social worker, each seem to have no idea what I should do next. I just need to know how to appeal, or should I refile, or where I go from here, I do not have enough money to hire a lawyer. Any advice at all would be greatly appreciated, thank you!



You can appeal or, if an appreciable period of time has gone by since the Court's last ruling, you can also re-apply. It's obviously your decision, but I would recommend that you find a way to use an attorney so that you can put on the best case possible.

Good luck!

Paul A. Swiller, Esq.

Tot Law

1901 1st Ave., Second Fl.

San Diego, CA 92101

Tel: 619.794.2018

Fax: 619.235.4595

[email protected]/* */

Which financial ratio is the best measure of the operating effectiveness of a firms management?

Which financial ratio is the best measure of the operating effectiveness of a firms management?
current ratio

Working Capital per Dollar of Sales?

Working Capital per Dollar of Sales?
Depends.Does the product include financing?Does it take a long time to produce?What are the fixed and variable costs per product?What is the strength of competition?

Which countries read American novels in English?

Which countries read American novels in English?

Can a Puerto Rican become president in the United States?

Can a Puerto Rican become president in the United States?
He can if he lived in the mainland of the United States.

Legal SeperationHow do I start the process for a legal seperation? My Husband has left the state and has been gone for over 30 days.


Legal Seperation

How do I start the process for a legal seperation? My Husband has left the state and has been gone for over 30 days.


Re: Legal Seperation

File a petition for a legal separation in the superior court in which you presently reside. Then serve him with the petition and summons.

what do I need to do if there was a verbal agreement on a repayment of debt accrued while on a house hunting trip to Florida? I live in Dela...


what do I need to do if there was a verbal agreement on a repayment of debt accrued while on a house hunting trip to Florida? I live in Delaware and he lives in Virginia. our personal relationship has since ended but I would like the money repaid it's under $500.


Next time you have reason to visit the state that is allegedly for lovers,

you could file a Warrant in Debt in the Virginia Small Claims Court located in the city or county where this defendant lives for the amount that remains

unpaid + court filing costs as well as the cost of the sheriff serving him with the lawsuit paperwork (about $12).

(You should bear in mind, nevertheless, that the statute of limitations on oral contacts in the Commonwealth is normally three years and that you will have the burden of proving to the judge by a preponderance of the evidence the relevant facts supporting your claim.)

How many people die a year because of texting while driving?

How many people die a year because of texting while driving?
If they were texting and they died, then how would you know? The phone would probably be broken or depending on if they had started the text may appear as if they were talking on the thing.

Can there be a restriction in a deed for land that the land cannot be sold. it was one acre given to a daughter by her father


Can there be a restriction in a deed for land that the land cannot be sold. it was one acre given to a daughter by her father


You'd probably want to rework it as a life estate. This allows the life tenant to enjoy the property for that person's life. When that person dies, then the property would pass to a third party, called a remainderman.

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What happens at the US mint?

What happens at the US mint?
They make the money.

Saturday 28 March 2015

I was in an automobile accident and the at fault driver was not covered by insurance, will my uninsured/underinsured insurance cover my dama...


I was in an automobile accident and the at fault driver was not covered by insurance, will my uninsured/underinsured insurance cover my damages to my car?


Yes, but there's likely a deductible.


For more information, please visit our website:


Also, please read our disclaimer:


My fiance has been married previously, but has been divorced for over 15 years. Does he need proof of this when applying for a marriage lice...


My fiance has been married previously, but has been divorced for over 15 years. Does he need proof of this when applying for a marriage license in Missouri or Kansas?


He will need to attest to bring free to marry. But, you should get proof of the divorce. If something were to happen to him, the first woman he makes inherits, unless he is legally divorced. Nearly every court's records for the past fifteen years are available online.

Good luck

I just downloaded the Texas General Warranty deed, the instructions say to check married or not and there is no checkbox, or wording. What d...


I just downloaded the Texas General Warranty deed, the instructions say to check married or not and there is no checkbox, or wording. What do I do?


This question should be posted under Real Estate law, not Family law. FYI, these are legal documents with significant financial consequences. It should be prepared by an attorney, not a fit-all-form, which does not fit all. A few hundred dollars spent now, would likely save thousands later.

If you print something about someone, changing their name, and can prove it's true, can they sue you for libel?


If you print something about someone, changing their name, and can prove it's true, can they sue you for libel?


As a Franchise Attorney I can say the following. Libel and slander are legal claims for false statements of fact about a person. And that's where the classic statement "truth is a defense to libel and slander" originates. However, truth is not a defense for other related things, like invasion of privacy. Consult with a good business or franchise attorney in your area for specific advice.

Mr. Franchise - Kevin B. Murphy, B.S., M.B.A., J.D.

Franchise Foundations, a Professional Corporation


Truth is an absloute defense to a libel or slander matter. However, you could be liable for other tort theories so you should contact a lawyer, although I do not see why you would need to consult with a franchise lawyer.

My wife's brother was just sentenced to 60 days in jail for child support. Can this be repealed if he pays past due payments?


My wife's brother was just sentenced to 60 days in jail for child support. Can this be repealed if he pays past due payments?


Possibly. His lawyer will know for sure. If he did not have one, talk to one in your community.

Hello my name is Taylor Wagner, I found out that I was being investigated to a few different crimes that was not atonally all my fault. I ha...


Hello my name is Taylor Wagner, I found out that I was being investigated to a few different crimes that was not atonally all my fault. I have know knowledge on how long the investigation was and I do believe that is it still on going. I found out one of the investigators gave privileged information, that information only becomes relevant once a convection has been made upon your self and then it comes public information. The investigator advised my father regarding the charges that they are putting on me. " One of the charges was Check fraud, which a few people which I know who they are took my check book with out of knowledge and cashed quit a few checks on my name and forged my signature. The second case the have one me is Welfare Fraud, I have been in special education ever since I was in the 3rd grad all to the way tell 12th grade so I do have a learning disability witch is reading writing and a basic knowledge of understating on how to fell out documents properly since I'm a visual learner instead of a audio tore learner and I need more one on one time so I can have a understanding of what I'm actually filling out with out being rushed through the process so they can move to the next client I have a (IEP) Individual Education plan to prove for my disabilities. For the most part I want to go through with a settlement with this whole entire situation for slander, defragmentation of character, harassment and most of all pain and suffering. All of this is not just affecting me physical but mantel and spiritual as will. I was wondering if I could get some legal advice on how about to go forth with these clams. Thank you so much for your time. I look forward to hearing from you.

Taylor David Robert Wagner


The only answer is you need an experience criminal defense attorney as well as possibly a civil attorney to handle this.

In the U.K. court system, a "McKenzie Friend" is the unlicensed legal councilor who is allowed by the court to stand with and offer a party ...


In the U.K. court system, a "McKenzie Friend" is the unlicensed legal councilor who is allowed by the court to stand with and offer a party quiet assistance during litigation hearings. Does the California court allow similar assistance?




You are entitled to be represented by an attorney, and the court will appoint one to represent you if you cannot afford to hire an attorney.

How many boutique hotels exist in the world?

How many boutique hotels exist in the world?

I am planning on going for a divorce. Can I give my half of the house to my husband and have my name taken off the Mortgage and equity loan?


I am planning on going for a divorce. Can I give my half of the house to my husband and have my name taken off the Mortgage and equity loan?


He'll need to refinance before the bank will allow your name to be removed from the loans.

Alan Nye

Nudity and erotic are considered arts?

Nudity and erotic are considered arts?
No!Nudity is not art. Fully dressed is not art. Art is art.
Erotic is not art. Sterile is not art. Art is art.

Please understand!
No subject is art in itself. No subject is non-art. Any subject can be made into art.

What is caption for infosys?

What is caption for infosys?
Powered By IntellectDriven By Values

For a background check to become a part-time female jailor, am I legally required to state that I had something deferred from my record? Eve...


For a background check to become a part-time female jailor, am I legally required to state that I had something deferred from my record? Even if the question is "Have you ever been a defendant in a criminal proceeding?"


I suggest you respond to such questions with complete honesty - be careful in reading what is being asked of you. It is not uncommon that an employee may be terminated, subsequent to the employment, due to dishonesty. MN law recently incorporated further protections to job applicants as to the timing of questions about criminal conduct. Tricia Dwyer Esq. Minnesota Employment Law Attorney Tricia Dwyer Esq & Assoc PLLC phone 612-296-9666


If you were charged, you were a defendant in a criminal proceeding.

Not divorced yet and still living together with 2 children involved. Soon to be ex husband is trying to have new girlfriend stay at out hous...


Not divorced yet and still living together with 2 children involved. Soon to be ex husband is trying to have new girlfriend stay at out house. Anything illegal about this?


Only if the girlfriend is 15 years old.

It's not illegal to allow an adult to stay in your home.

I assume that there are no temporary orders in place that prevent this.

What does doled out mean?

What does doled out mean?
It means 'given out'. As in, "The boss doled out assignments to all the employees".

can we force a realtor to move us into another rental house if the landlord has not provided us with running water for 20, days in a rental ...


can we force a realtor to move us into another rental house if the landlord has not provided us with running water for 20, days in a rental home. Use our deposit from the one to another


Your lease controls. Running water is one of the items which likely makes the rental home uninhabitable. You can void the lease. You can seek alternative arrangements with the landlord or their agent. If they don't cooperate, time to seek legal assistance.

What is friendly procurement?

What is friendly procurement?
Procurement is another word for "buying". The phrase "friendly procurement" is used when someone buys a lot of shares in a company. If you have more than half the shares, you can decide what the company should do. In a friendly procurement, the the other big share holders don't mind what's happening. There are hostile procurements too. That's when the other big shareholders don't want anyone else in a position of power, but can't prevent the shares from being sold.

Meaning of controling cost?

Meaning of controling cost?
well I'm say it is hard to explan the way it works is there was once a doggie and this
guy he had horns and he was like buwhaahahaha i controll the cost and stuff and the
doggie killed the guy with horns and controled the coast you welcome if you want
more info ask me at 180000000010002012 theres my number

my sister is on section 8 in Boston,Ma. she has been in the same apartment for 7 years. Now it is time to renew the lease and the landlord h...


my sister is on section 8 in Boston,Ma. she has been in the same apartment for 7 years. Now it is time to renew the lease and the landlord has put a separate clause in the back to make her apartment smoke free. What are her rights if she refuses to sign the back clause?


Why should she want to smoke in the apartment anyway?

It has been proven to be unhealthy - and the landlord's insurer may require the clause anyway, as smoking in an apartment substantially increases the risk of fires. Smoking is also very expensive, at perhaps nine dollars for a package of 20, and if one is on section 8, one is probably short on resources.

You have not provided enough information for me to answer this question, as the timing of this request, and your sister's prior relationship with the landlord matter; but I suggest she consider giving up smoking in the apartment for many other good reasons.

Friday 27 March 2015

Should you calculate the profit on cost or Sales?

Should you calculate the profit on cost or Sales?
We should calculate the profit on sales

Is there an internet forum in Atlanta Georgia that I can type my case at. My self and wife have about 9 good lawsuits that involve civil and...


Is there an internet forum in Atlanta Georgia that I can type my case at. My self and wife have about 9 good lawsuits that involve civil and land lord tenant rights and so forth. But we only want to deal with one law firm. Can you help us


Your post does not make sense. Internet forum for you to type your case? What does that mean? If you are looking for a lawyer you need to do research for lawyers in your area and make calls to them to discuss your case. They are not going to come to you.

Why does the US government use the money markets?

Why does the US government use the money markets?
why does the u.s government use the money markets

-U.S government use the money markets because the money market is a component of the financial markets for assets involved in short-term borrowing and lending with original maturities of one year or shorter time frames. Trading in the money markets involves Treasury bills, commercial paper, bankers' acceptances, certificates of deposit, federal funds, and short-lived mortgage- and asset-backed securities. The money market provides liquidity funding for the global financial system.

My friend was involved with a guy from out of state that she met online several years ago. It did not work out and now she is involved with ...


My friend was involved with a guy from out of state that she met online several years ago. It did not work out and now she is involved with someone else. The out-of-state guy is harassing her and the new guy she's with. He is also threatening her to leave her current guy and date him otherwise he will post nude photos of her all over the internet. Is there anything that can be done to stop this guy from this kind of bullying? Basically, where should she start in order to stop this guy from bothering her?


Maybe file a restraining order against him. Feel free to contact my office or website www.behrenlaw.com for more information.

What are the features of public limited company?

What are the features of public limited company?
1.They have a separate legal existence from their owners.
2.They are owned by shareholders.
3.The owners have limited liability.
4.They have plc after their names.
5.Shares can be traded on a stock exchange.
6.The directors must report on the progress of the company to the shareholders at an AGM

If two people sign a lease to a condo and one person leaves the premises without notice, can I take any legal action on them for the rent ow...


If two people sign a lease to a condo and one person leaves the premises without notice, can I take any legal action on them for the rent owed for the remainder of the lease?


Yes, but you also have a duty to mitigate your damages, which means you have a duty to try and find another roommate or find some other way to lower the amount of money you are out.

Why do Midwest states use ethanol in their gasoilne?

Why do Midwest states use ethanol in their gasoilne?
Because they have a ton of corn.

When you turn air on car bogs andon red light you put it in netrula run better?

When you turn air on car bogs andon red light you put it in netrula run better?
Maybe your alternator is on its final leg.

I was arrested and charged with theft of a firearm and 2 other people are charged with same weapon no one claimed gun at time of arrest and ...


I was arrested and charged with theft of a firearm and 2 other people are charged with same weapon no one claimed gun at time of arrest and no more than a week before the same gun was checked to see if stolen by a neighboring county where a Co defendant claimed ownership what should be done by myself or my court appointed attorneys


Let your lawyers review all the evidence and talk to the prosecutors. And you should not be talking to or hanging out with your codefendants. And you should be doing whatever your lawyer is telling you to do.

Where are advisory speed limits posted?

Where are advisory speed limits posted?
Often posted on signs indicating a bend in the road ahead, to give you an idea of a safe speed that the corner can be taken.

Discuss what sound is?

Discuss what sound is?
Sound is something you hear. It is a vibration which travels in waves and then hits your eardrum to make it vibrate, that's how you hear it. It is the second fastest thing, first is light.

I made a stupid mistake and shoplifted $44.99 earrings and i got caught.They called the police and i got a class c misdemeanor, they told me...


I made a stupid mistake and shoplifted $44.99 earrings and i got caught.

They called the police and i got a class c misdemeanor, they told me i will go to court and i will get 2 separate tickets...one form the store and one from the police. They also called my parents and had them come up to the store.

i am a minor and i live in Texas.

I didnt get sent to jail or juvie but i want to know whats going to happen to me when i go to court and after that.

I know what i did was stupid and i will never do it again, i learned my lesson.

please help me out on whats going to happen to me.

I know my record will be cleared later but i want to know more


You need to get deferred disposition / deferred prosecution - which is like a reset with conditions so that when you finish it, your case will be dismissed and you can later expunge the record.

How should you insert the pages you want to be faxed?

How should you insert the pages you want to be faxed?
Most fax machines indicate in which dirrection to place the documents. All machines are different. Look up the manual for that machine. Good luck!

I currently reside in Miami-Dade County. During the month of August, I left the state to attend a week long event on the west coast. After m...


I currently reside in Miami-Dade County. During the month of August, I left the state to attend a week long event on the west coast. After my out of state trip but before I returned to Miami, I visited some relatives in Marion County (northern Florida). While I was there, I renewed my license tag and license plate as it was set to expire that month (registration was set to expired at midnight on 8/23/14). When I returned to Miami towards the end of the month, I had health issues, which necessitated me being rushed to a hospital around Labor Day weekend. Due to these circumstances, I forgot to take my car to have the old license plate physically replaced with the new license plate. A few days later, after I was released from the hospital, I remembered that I needed to switch the plates and on 9/06/14, I was "literally" driving to a place to handle switching the tag, when a police officer follows me and pulls me over. When she does stop me (for no apparent reason) she only asks me for my driver's license, registration and proof of insurance. I gave her all the documents immediately, accept for the proof of insurance, which I had to search through my glove compartment to find. While I was searching, she walked back to her car. Three minutes later I find the my insurance card and hold it and my current license plate outside the driver's side window. The officer ignored me and returns to my car five minutes later. Then she informs me that "it's too late, I already wrote you up." I tried to explain to her what happened and she just told me "That's not my concern... You can explain it to the judge." As a consequence, I was given a citation for driving with no proof of insurance when I had the proof when I was stopped and I was charged with violating FL. Stat. 320.261 which states that it is a "misdemeanor in the 2nd degree" to "knowingly attach" to any motor vehicle a license plate or validation sticker that was not issued and assigned or lawfully transferred to such vehicle. I'm currently financially unable to pay a fine or for a lawyer to represent me. I have never be cited for this offense before and I do not want to have a criminal record because of this nonsense. Also, I can not plead guilty because I didn't "knowingly" attach an unassigned license plate, the plate, which was my old tag, had recently expired before I could switch it out and I had the correct take on my person at the time I was stopped and I was in the process of removing the tags. So my question to you is should I plea "nolo contendre" or "not guilty" regarding the not assigned tag charge, and if I plea nolo contendre and ask for "adjudication to be withheld" would that prevent a criminal record and would it be the same as claiming that I'm guilty? My final question, can an officer arbitrarily pull you over without probable cause? I ask because this officer was following me for a while before I was stopped, even though I was driving within the speed limit. Thank you. Sorry for writing a book.


No attorney can give advice on how you should plea to a criminal charge such as this on an open forum. You need to meet with an attorney in your area to see what would be best. It may be possible to get the charged dismissed or amended to a non-criminal offense for example. Further, your attorney can look at things like the stop to see if there was something improper there.

Factors that contribute successful baking?

Factors that contribute successful baking?
self confidence , work hard , don't let your business be bankrupt , maintain good quality of your products ..!

yan lang alam ko ehheh
pa add nice_gurl09@ymail.com sa facebook !..
thank you ....

What is the difference between financial services and financial products?

What is the difference between financial services and financial products?
Financial services are the departments were the accountants work.
Financial produts are the contracts that you can sign to get money.

Hello. I am in a lease agreement, unfortunately. My duplex got broken into and the manager of the property personally told me she knows the ...


Hello. I am in a lease agreement, unfortunately. My duplex got broken into and the manager of the property personally told me she knows the people who did it which is another tenant of hers who lives across the street from me. She also told me she spoke to him about the break in and made the comment "you promised me you wouldn't mess with any of my tenants." The manager of the property is a known meth addict. The people who broke in my home are also well known meth addicts and thieves. The maintenance man whom is also a meth addict, also told me that he knew who stole my gun and could have actually gotten my gun back but he chose not to. I installed cameras on my house and have the same person recorded tampering with my cameras. I am wanting to get out of my lease. I feel like it is negligence on the manager's part to knowingly know of a known thief and allow them to still stay there and not get evicted. Every day I wonder if I have to walk in on someone in my house when I come home from work, please help!! Need more advice.

Thank you!


Ask the manager to let you out of the lease. Your only other option is to report the break in to the police.

I need to find a California estate attorney practicing in San Diego County willing to provide services pro-bono or at a very discounted rate...


I need to find a California estate attorney practicing in San Diego County willing to provide services pro-bono or at a very discounted rate for a developmentally disabled whom is 64 years of age. This person is the beneficiary of a Special Needs Trust created by her mother whom is now deceased. The trust consists solely of a home and held in trust supposedly for the benefit of the beneficiary. I believe the Trustee may have abused her role and has taken advantage of the beneficiary. She also has no surviving relatives. My husband and I who live in Texas were very close friends with the family and have moved the beneficiary to live with us in Texas.

I am having a very difficult time finding legal assistance since Texas Attorneys cannot represent her due to the Trust being under California jurisdiction. The associations I have spoken to so far won't assist the beneficiary because she is no longer in California. Neither the beneficiary, who lives on SSDI income nor us have the financial means to hire an attorney at full rates plus if there is a need to go court we will have incur travel expenses, etc..

I have a copy of the Trust which I would like to have reviewed. There is more to the story and there is another non-relative named as co-beneficiary in the Trust. We have known this family for more than 30 years and know the Mother would NEVER have done this. If anything, she would have only named this other individual as a successor beneficiary.

Can you help?


I am sorry to hear of your situation.

Your best place to look is likely the San Diego County Bar Association, or a senior center in the area -- though it sounds like you may already tried the latter.

Without more information, it is hard to know what services are needed or what an appropriate rate structure would be. You are wise to state up front the financial situation, however.

It is extremely hard and extremely expensive to have a trust changed based on the fact that it does not state the intentions of the maker of the trust. It appears that one thing you will need to agree upon with counsel are the goals you wish to accomplish here.

You should also note that the trust may end up having to bear the attorney's fees of the trustee -- meaning that you may find the house having to be sold. You should be sure to discuss this risk with counsel.

Best of luck to you.


You could also contact the California Advocates for Nursing Home Reform (CANHR) at 800-474-1116. They have a state-wide legal referral service certified by the California State Bar Association.

What is nominal group technique?

What is nominal group technique?
A nominal group technique or NGT is group process that aims tospeed up decision making. This involves taking everyone's opinioninto account and uses the method of tallying and elimination ofduplicates to come up with the best solution to a problem.

When is an opinion published and when is it unpublished. Does a litigant have any influence on this? Its a family law appeal on a judgment m...


When is an opinion published and when is it unpublished. Does a litigant have any influence on this? Its a family law appeal on a judgment matter.


The Court of Appeal decides whether to publish an opinion, based on criteria set by law. Those criteria focus on how important the opinion might be to courts deciding other cases in the future.

If the Court of Appeal doesn't publish an opinion, anyone -- including third parties -- may file a request for publication, explaining why the case meets the formal criteria. That request will be forwarded to the California Supreme Court if the Court of Appeal denies it.

It is also possible to seek de-publication of a published opinion. That type of request may only be made to the Supreme Court.

Also, if the Supreme Court agrees to review a published decision, the order granting review automatically de-publishes it.

There are rules about how to do these things, as well as deadlines that must be met. You may want to discuss your options with an experienced appellate attorney. You're welcome to contact me if you like; I'm a certified appellate specialist (per the State Bar's Board of Legal Specialization) with over 20 years of experience in the field.

Good luck.

How many RM21 code roadrunner were built in 1970?

How many RM21 code roadrunner were built in 1970?
24944 2dr hardtops

I'm in Illinois. Do I have a right to view the file my condo HOA has for me? If so, how would I ask to see what's in my unit file? I would l...


I'm in Illinois. Do I have a right to view the file my condo HOA has for me? If so, how would I ask to see what's in my unit file? I would like to see various correspondences, work orders and billing.


You have a right to review association records, by giving written notice under Section 19 of the Illinois Condominium Property Act, for a "proper purpose". An owner reviewing its own unit files for information relative to ownership issues should be a proper purpose. For more particulars read the Act and/or contact an attorney if you need help drafting the appropriate letter.

I'm admin for an estate. The mortgage comp wouldn't except my payments unless I put the mortgage in my name. I couldn't do that. A court doc...


I'm admin for an estate. The mortgage comp wouldn't except my payments unless I put the mortgage in my name. I couldn't do that. A court document for foreclosure was filed with courts by the mortgage comp in Feb 2014. In Aug 2014 a sheriff sale letter was mailed to me from the lawyers office. Keep in mind nothing has come to me from the courthouse. The mortgage company sent a letter to the tenant stating to start sending the rent to them. What should I do if NOTHING from the court stating the foreclosure went through or change of ownership has been sent to me? I want to do the right thing but I feel the lawyers office is taking advantage of me.


This matter has proceeded to a point ehere it is going to take the attention of a lawyer to unravel it. Call someone in your are who handles estate matters or contact your county LRS.

See also: http://info.corbettlaw.net/lawguru.htm

How do you write 1.21in words?

How do you write 1.21in words?
Not exactly sure what you mean
you should write it as "one and twenty-one hundredths"

or, "one point two one"

Hi,I own a small Internet business which sells some custom Excel spreadsheets (that contain valuable statistical information). I have been g...



I own a small Internet business which sells some custom Excel spreadsheets (that contain valuable statistical information).

I have been getting numerous emails from a potential customer that are bizarre in nature inquiring about the products. I told him that my company's products aren't right for him.

Now he is threatening my business saying that he has the right to purchase my product(s).

My informational products are used by some to gamble with. My disclaimer states that the user should use them legally and that these products are not for those who have a gambling problem. This individual has told me in writing that he needs the product to produce income for his family. That is the main reason I refused his business - he's basically told me in writing he's a problem gambler.

Does a private business such as mine have the legal right to refuse business from such a customer?



You do not have to sell to anyone, even if you advertise all over the World. An advertisement is nothing more than an "invitation" to deal. So long as no one has paid yet or made an agreement to sell (different than an advertisement) then ignore this persons threats.

My property manager called and notified me of a complaint from another tenant about a single incident where my guests were waiting for me in...


My property manager called and notified me of a complaint from another tenant about a single incident where my guests were waiting for me in the common walkway while I was on my way home from work. I remedied the issue. A month later, after a completely unrelated incident my landlord (not my property manager) gave me an Unconditional Quit due to violating my lease and cited the same issue that the property manager VERBALLY notified me of. I specifically asked the property manager if I had any other complaints since she notified me of the initial one and she said "NO". How is this possible? Can an incident where I was verbally warned be used as grounds for an Unconditional Quit when no other complaint was filed?

I live in Missouri.


It is possible for a single breach of a lease to be the basis for early termination of a lease. But, it can be waived. It sounds like the property manager, as agent for the landlord waived that first breach. If the landlord also referenced a second "incident," the second breach could be grounds to terminate.

Your posting wasn't clear if there was one or two days ncidences. Perhaps you can repost or consult directly with an attorney in your area.

Good luck

Who takes possession of personal documents (bank accounts records, wills) when Public Administrator takes custody and completes the estate? ...


Who takes possession of personal documents (bank accounts records, wills) when Public Administrator takes custody and completes the estate? Are these documents maintained by the state?


The PA.

Thursday 26 March 2015

How long after a sentence has been completed or carried out does a person have to appeal a conviction?


How long after a sentence has been completed or carried out does a person have to appeal a conviction?


It depends on what the offense is/was, when the sentence terminated, how long ago it was, and a host of other things. That's something I do not know.

Vacating an Easement in a mountain area of Southern Cal: How do I get an easement vacated that was granted back in 1956 to a couple who no l...


Vacating an Easement in a mountain area of Southern Cal: How do I get an easement vacated that was granted back in 1956 to a couple who no longer own property there and may in fact have died (they would be in their late 90s now). The easement is showing on the prelim title report but the title company can't even map the easement because the language is so vague.


There are only two ways to cancel an easement: 1. obtain a deed cancelling the easement or 2. a lawsuit to quiet title if grounds for that exist.

My husband has threatened to take my son to NJ where his parents live and keep him there and make it so I cant take him.Then he would come b...


My husband has threatened to take my son to NJ where his parents live and keep him there and make it so I cant take him.Then he would come back down here because he is stationed here and live on ship put his paycheck in his parents accountso I cant get it. Finally I took him to his 2 year check up and the doctor said he needs speech therapy but my husband says he doesnt need it so he refuses to let me make the appointment because is the primary person who makes money even though it would be covered under tricare. What can I do in theses situations?


Some problems do not lend themselves well to this free advice forum. I strongly urge you to see an attorney immediately. Your situation is not one that lends itself well to self-help. You may want to contact your family advocacy program at the base where your husband is stationed to see if they can offer you any direction and assistance. Please do not wait to seek professional assistance. I wish you the best.

My ex refuses to pay her 40 share of college tuition / room and board for our son who is attending college as stated in our divorce settlem...


My ex refuses to pay her 40% share of college tuition / room and board for our son who is attending college as stated in our divorce settlement filed with the State of Missouri.


You or your Son may file a Motion to have her found in Contempt. Or, you can sue her for the extra portion the you pay.

Good luck

My step son is wanting to change his last name. His biological father has not seen him in 8 years. Do we need his consent?


My step son is wanting to change his last name. His biological father has not seen him in 8 years. Do we need his consent?


You need to notify him, and t he court gets to decide ( assuming your stepson is under 18).

can my daughter and I share guardianship of my granddaughter?


can my daughter and I share guardianship of my granddaughter?


Two people can serve as guardians. The only problem would be if your daughter is the parent of the granddaughter. A guardian serves in the place of a parent.

I took out a loan for my boyfriend to pay his divorce attorney. Turns out he was just using me. Can I sue him to get my money back?


I took out a loan for my boyfriend to pay his divorce attorney. Turns out he was just using me. Can I sue him to get my money back?


If you can prove you loaned it to him, you can sue him. You might be able to maintain a suit for fraud saying that you gave it to him in exchange for his assurances that he loved you and cared for you. As it turns out, he did not love you nor care for you but used those representations to defraud you into making a gift to him.

Take it to JP court. Won't cost you much and it's very informal.

Good luck!!

Florida-Will/I am Personal Rep/Sole Beneficiary/R.E. bypasses Probate/Only debt 3 credit cards w/very small balances on 2, 0 on third- going...


Florida-Will/I am Personal Rep/Sole Beneficiary/R.E. bypasses Probate/Only debt 3 credit cards w/very small balances on 2, 0 on third- going to pay today & ask for letters on debts pd. Decedent 91 yrs old; Small bank acct well under $10k; Problem: Bank denying me as Beneficiary-said "none" & I KNOW I am. Seems only recourse Summary Admin. Live in Fl Keys. Haven't found atty under $2500 plus cost of Notice to Creditors, etc. Have to do myself!!! Researching!! Question: Can I sue Bank for Probate costs & can it be done in Small Claims or ??? PLEASE. I have searched endlessly for this answer & cannot find it - even in Fl. Statutes so I hope someone can help and I'll thank you here for your consideration.


You can find an attorney who will do the probate for less. Try a little harder. What are you going to sue the bank over? Failing to have the beneficiary ? If they don't have the paperwork they win and you lose and lose 500 in costs in the process. Besides if the claim is for 10000 what good does a small

Claims case do you ? Seek some advice with all your paperwork from another attorney.

How many people work for Microsoft?

How many people work for Microsoft?
93,000 in over 100 countries

My mother passed away without a will. Mom lived in NC and I know that with her real property, title to the land vests in the heirs and passe...


My mother passed away without a will. Mom lived in NC and I know that with her real property, title to the land vests in the heirs and passes outside the administered estate. Is that also true of her house that sits on that land or is the house considered a probated asset?


Is the house a stick built house or a mobile home that has been affixed to the land and the certificate of title cancelled? If so, then the house is considered part of the land and will pass to the heirs.

But just because there is no will does not mean there does not have to be a probate. You do not address when mother died, what other assets she had or what other debts or anything which would be relevant.

Also, the heirs can do nothing with the land for 2 years after your mother's death unless an estate is probated and the executor is notified.

Please consult a probate attorney who practices in the county in which your mother lived at the time of her death. The fact that you are asking a basic question like this tells me that you do not know what you are doing and I am afraid that you are going to make mistakes unless you at least consult with a lawyer and allow him/her to review your situation in depth.

What are the Basic smbols of flow chart and their uses?

What are the Basic smbols of flow chart and their uses?
Circle : A connector to go from one point to another.
Rectangle : all actions are shown in this symbol.
Diamond : this is a decision symbol and lets you choose which path you gonna go in FC.
Oval : usually the starting or ending of FC
Arrows are used to show the flow lines.

What type of business is hot topic?

What type of business is hot topic?
its a partnershipp type buisness[===

my daughter and her husband want to borrow 10k, I am going to loan them the money from the credit line on my house. (i am a widow on ssi). t...


my daughter and her husband want to borrow 10k, I am going to loan them the money from the credit line on my house. (i am a widow on ssi). they need the money for a down on a house. her husband says i must gift the money to them. and after they will sign a deed of trust. this dosent make sense to me. how to i protect myself.


My colleagues who practice in real estate might want to jump in. Generally, unless there's an emergency, I would think it's a bad idea to tap into a credit line on your house because, if they were to default on your loan, you would be left to pay off your own credit line from your small fixed income.

If you still want to do it, you should have them sign a loan note with specific terms of the loan, i.e. perhaps $278 per month for 36 months, plus interest at whatever rate you want to set it at, maybe 3%. Include their signatures on a deed of trust. That might become worthless, though, if they were to have no equity in the house they're purchasing and you needed to foreclose if they were to default. You probably would not want to let your desire to help overshadow your own financial security.


Your son-in-law is probably tell the truth. It is very common for real estate lenders to have very stringent underwriting requirements, including elimination of ALL debt. The theory is that they are making a large loan and they don't want the borrower to tied down with other payments like a $10,000 loan owed to you.

It is certainly possible to draft a promissory note and deed of trust after they complete the sale if your daughter and son-in-law will cooperate. However, you need to be very careful about this. If they do not pay you back, you will still be stuck paying back the loan that you took out on your line of credit If you do not make the payments on your line of credit, your home could be at risk.


Your instincts sound good. My first reaction on reading your query was "just say no." A gift is something that doesn't have to be paid back, so you would have no recourse for getting the money back and you could not enforce a lien. Once the gift is given, you could not later set conditions on it and it would be up to your daughter and son-in-law's generosity if they wanted to return the money (and they could do so on any basis they wished). Meanwhile, you would have to pay back the line of credit you borrowed.

If you wish to loan them money and have them sign a promissory note with a payment schedule, there's no legal reason why you couldn't do that. It is not uncommon for home buyers to get a "purchase money mortgage" to cover the down payment, which it sounds like is your intention here. Some banks may have restrictions on that, for example, they may require that your loan be "subordinated" (meaning that it is in second position after the bank's in case of foreclosure) or they may charge a higher rate of interest on their mortgage since the buyers don't have any "skin in the game." If your loan isn't repaid, you could repossess the house (probably the bank would step in and buy you out at that point to preserve its interest).

Keep in mind that your daughter and son in law are looking after their interests, not yours, and you need to look after your own interests. If you decide to proceed with making this loan, you should consult with a competent real estate attorney to draw up the papers for you. He/she can coordinate with the bank's requirements. (The cost of the attorney, and any other costs you have in doing this, are paid by the borrowers.)

How much does a master electrician make?

How much does a master electrician make?
A master electrician makes around 25 dollars an hour. This is thestandard wage right now across the United States.

How much is bill gates business worth today?

How much is bill gates business worth today?

Can estate agent put your house on the market without you knowing?

Can estate agent put your house on the market without you knowing?
Yes. There's nothing to stop them, but why would they do that. You might try to sue them. It wouldn't be very business-like.

How do you reconcile a bank account using quicken software?

How do you reconcile a bank account using quicken software?
Quicken makes it simple to reconcile accounts using their software.It is almost like using a computerized checkbook register. Manycategories are already installed for you.

My ex-husband passed away however I'm still on the loan for our former residence, I'm not on the title... The Executor of his estate is not ...


My ex-husband passed away however I'm still on the loan for our former residence, I'm not on the title... The Executor of his estate is not paying the mortgage and the mortgage holder Citibank won't let me know of any course of action I have... I have not lived in the home since 1999, I've been of the title since 2008.


If you are trying to save the home from foreclosure, you will need to either refinance it under your own name or qualify for a loan modification with the lender. Are you a beneficiary in your ex-husband's estate? If so, are you the only one?

You need to speak to an experienced probate/real estate attorney that can assist you with figuring out your rights and what should be your next step depending on what you want to accomplish. If you wish to speak to a competent attorney that will do just that, contact our office at (888) 790-5053 and/or visit our website at www.coronacalawyer.com.

How do you improve your filing system in your office?

How do you improve your filing system in your office?
get a PA

Is it all right to do something illegal or unethical to maintain the company?

Is it all right to do something illegal or unethical to maintain the company?
No, never.

My boyfriend and I feel discriminated against by a McDonalds restaurant manager in Richmond,VA. I have worked for Burger King myself and whe...


My boyfriend and I feel discriminated against by a McDonalds restaurant manager in Richmond,VA. I have worked for Burger King myself and when a paying customer comes in and wants to spend a few hours reading or whatever either alone or with others -Its allowed,there were times when even a homeless person might come in and they might buy a cup of coffee or just ask for a cup of water and just sit there for a few hours. Well my boyfriend and I are homeless- we know the manager from him working there a couple of weeks a couple of years ago-he quit. But we continued to come in there and were never told we were not allowed or banned from there. When we weren't homeless I would come in there almost daily to buy his breakfast to go b/c he worked right next door- she was hospitable then.But now when we come in there- I buy 2 small coffees and sometimes something to eat and if she thinks we have been in there too long-she will peek around the corner at us to see if we are there still sitting at the table or she will send an employee to quick glance to see if we are still there...OR come up and say"You know you guys have been here too long you have to go soon" the last time she said this 2 weeks ago it was approx. 10:15am and she said in front of other customers "You guys have been here since 8am,you have been here too long it's time to go". I started crying,not loud- just tears.But I felt so embarrassed - we had done nothing wrong- we were never too loud,I never cut in line -I wait at end of line to get a refill on coffee-and usually only ask 1 time for a refill-sometimes I ask twice.We don't bring in outside food,or make a mess-in fact I clean the toilet each time I use it b/c their bathrooms aren't very clean..........Anyway, is there any legal recourse for me? I am not a greedy person- But I do believe I need to stand up for myself in this situation-I believe I can get the employees there to state that I have good character as well as my boyfriend.They always say hi and ask how we are. I believe it is discrimination. We started riding our bikes to a different Mcdonalds or sometimes go to the Burger King right across the street from the problem McD's we stay anywhere from 1-3 hours at both places and NO-ONE says a thing about it. Sorry I made this a little long.Besides complaining to her boss or restaurant owner what could I do? Thank-You Sincerely,Lauren Gardner


Yes, what you've described certainly has the appearance of discrimination

but it's not the kind that you can sue for (successfully) and recover damages therefrom.

Discrimination against homeless or vagrant appearing people is currently not against federal or state law as far as I am aware.

What did qin shi Huang do?

What did qin shi Huang do?
he unified china. he built the Great Wall of China

How does someone pay for another person's credit card with their credit card?

How does someone pay for another person's credit card with their credit card?
Phone the person's card company - tell them you'd like to make apayment - then follow their instructions.

I was hurt at work on october 15th, 2011 around 5:00 am in the morning I got hit in the head with a printer in a box. I work in a warehouse ...


I was hurt at work on october 15th, 2011 around 5:00 am in the morning I got hit in the head with a printer in a box. I work in a warehouse and a unloader was on a ladder taking the printers down and I was bent down putting stickers on a pallet when I was struck in the head with a printer. My head was hurting a bit but not that bad when I reported it to my supervisor. I then went home and while at home my head was hurting later that day. I went back to work around 6:00 pm and was doing my work when my head just started hurting really bad. I informed my boss again and was sent to the emergency room. There the doctor did a cat scan and it was not a concussion; it was a contusion and a neck injury, I was prescribed some pain pills and sent home. My head has been hurting ever since and when cold air hits it then it really hurts even when I'm sitting down and not doing anything it still bothers me. I guess my question is what do I need to do because I still have to work.


You need to go to a doctor and find out why your head still hurts.

Then you need to speak with an attorney to make sure that a claim for worker's compensation is made so that your interests are properly protected.

You may call my office if you need help in that.


Seek medical attention.

Then contact an attorney about filing a worker's compensation claim.

Feel free to contact me.

What metal is used to make a filling cabinet?

What metal is used to make a filling cabinet?
filing cabinets are made of steel.

What are the release dates for The Baby Seal - 1940?

What are the release dates for The Baby Seal - 1940?
The Baby Seal - 1940 was released on:

USA: 4 April 1940

I am currently in jail on a narcotics distribution (marijuana) over half an ounce charge, which I guess is a class 5 felony? This is my seco...


I am currently in jail on a narcotics distribution (marijuana) over half an ounce charge, which I guess is a class 5 felony? This is my second time being arrested on the same charge. I have not served time for the first arrest, I was offered 2 months in jail and drop to a misdemeanor, but I got arrested again in the meantime. Im setting in jail in Virginia and have a court date in a month. I am 21 years old. How much time am I looking at.


A good question which you should take up with the local competent

criminal defense counsel whom hopefully you have by now to

represent you in this matter.

And, if, perhaps, you lack the funds necessary to hire such an attorney on your own, then you should ask the court to qppoint one for you.

How many people go on WikiAnswers.com?

How many people go on WikiAnswers.com?
Thousands and hundreds people go on wikianswers

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Objectives of areas of public policy in Tanzania?

Objectives of areas of public policy in Tanzania?
what are the areas of public policy in Tanzania

I received a 20 day summons and tomorrow is my last day to respond. It was delivered to my son and I didn't hear about it until this weekend...


I received a 20 day summons and tomorrow is my last day to respond. It was delivered to my son and I didn't hear about it until this weekend and I don't know what to do. Its from a debtor taking over my forclosure judgment and I really don't know what to do. I am unemployment and very uneducated in what this whole thing means to me. I really didn't even understand what was happening to me during the whole process and I wasn't even part of it. I thought someone was handling it for me and didn't even know the foreclosure happened. It was back in June of 2010 that the judgment for my foreclosure took place. I really need some help and or advice on how to answer this tomorrow. I have to bring my answer to the courthouse tomorrow. Can you help me in anyway? Please let me know what you can do for me, if I can speak to someone and get some advise or even if that means you know someone you can refer me to talk to. I really need help. I would greatly appreciate it if you could.


RESPONSE TO THIS POST DOES NOT CREATE AN ATTORNEY CLIENT RELATIONSHIP. In a situation like yours you can write a request to the court to ask for additional time to respond to the complaint. The court should grant the request. It would be a very good idea to consult in person with an attorney experienced in foreclosure and debt relief to help you determine the best course of action for your situation.

If the foreclosure judgment was in June 2010 there may be some defenses available based on the complaint that was filed, but that will not be known without a thorough review of the complaint and the facts of the case. You may have options but you should speak with an attorney right away. As for referrals, you can try the Florida Bar Attorney Referral service, or depending on which city you live in you might check with a local Bar Association, there are associations in most cities. You can also google Foreclosure Defense attorney or debt relief attorney, or even bankruptcy attorney to get some names of attorneys locally.

Good luck with your case.

Hi, I got married in India and would like to file a divorce. Can I file it in USA or do I need to go back to India for divorce filing? How l...


Hi, I got married in India and would like to file a divorce. Can I file it in USA or do I need to go back to India for divorce filing? How long it will take and what is the procedure?


if you want to file for divorce in the United States, you will need to retain an experienced international/divorce attorney to assist you in this matter, if the person you are trying to divorce is not in the United States, as you are, as proper service will have to be by state and international law.

- Goldstein & Scopellite, PC has qualified divorce attorneys, international lawyers and litigation attorneys available to represent you at either one of their law offices located in Dallas, Texas and Tucson, Arizona - Please visit their websites at www.LawyersDallas.com and www.Lawyers-Tucson.com for more information or to contact them. Thank you.

I have a court date on today for petit larsony, I was given a month to find a lawyer to represent me because i'm "too rich" for a public att...


I have a court date on today for petit larsony, I was given a month to find a lawyer to represent me because i'm "too rich" for a public attorney. However, I personally cannot afford one by myself and I want to know what will probably happen when I shop up without a lawyer. I'm really frightened.


Well, since today was yesterday, you can tell me what happened. A month is a reasonable amount of time to find an attorney, and if you do not qualify for the public defender, the court will assume you can afford for one of your own.

If you buy a house with another person (not spouse) and they just pack up and leave after just 3 months, is there a way to get their name of...


If you buy a house with another person (not spouse) and they just pack up and leave after just 3 months, is there a way to get their name off of the deed? There was no money put down and pymts are $400. They say that they will sign off of the house for $3500. and they will add $500. for every month that Iit takes to get it.


It isn't clear "How" you purchased this house with the other person. Assuming you're both owners, they remain liable for half of the payments, taxes, repairs, and some utilities. Until they sign a quit claim deed to you, they remain liable to you for reimbursement of half the money you spend on the house. There is no longer information to determine if the cash offer is appropriate. But, until then, they may need to pay their $500 to you to offset housing expenses.

Good luck

I have a commercial store in Pasadena, CA. I have been a tenant for 13 years and it's a month to month now. The building changed hands and t...


I have a commercial store in Pasadena, CA. I have been a tenant for 13 years and it's a month to month now. The building changed hands and the new landlord had someone slip a notice under my door, after hours...dates April 12, but not delivered until April 19th stating there would be a rent increase from $945 to $1500 effective May 1st. Does he have to give me 30 or 60 days notice first? Is there a legal limit on how much he can raise the rent? If I can't pay that hike.....does he have to give me 30+ days to vacate, without charging me more? I wasn't able to find much information online about this. THANK YOU so much


The owner has to give you 30-days notice unless your rental agreement says something different. The 60-days for tenants of a year or more is only for residential tenants. There is no limit on the amount of a commercial lease rent increase. If you can't pay the rent the 30-day notice of the increase IS your 30-day notice to vacate. If you don't pay the new rent when due, they can give you a 3-day notice to pay or quit and then begin eviction proceedings if you do not pay in full in the three days.

2005 Raptor 350 cuts out at idle will run with choke open already replaced trigger coil still same problem will run at high rpm but will miss fire a little can someone help.?

2005 Raptor 350 cuts out at idle will run with choke open already replaced trigger coil still same problem will run at high rpm but will miss fire a little can someone help.?
The power cuts out after a short while. The problem may arise fromthe faulty coil pack wire to the connector.

What are the release dates for The Joy of Painting - 1983 Winter Oval - 9.5?

What are the release dates for The Joy of Painting - 1983 Winter Oval - 9.5?
The Joy of Painting - 1983 Winter Oval - 9.5 was released on:

USA: 1986

Why have many people called the big businessmen of the 19th centuryrobber barons?

Why have many people called the big businessmen of the 19th centuryrobber barons?
Lack of ethics

I was terminated from my job but have a disability is it wrongful termination


I was terminated from my job but have a disability is it wrongful termination


It is unclear from the facts you have stated which are very limited. It is possible the employer violated the Disability Act. ADA. You may have a claim but their are strict time periods and requirements to file. You should schedule an appointment with an attorney.

My employer decided to take out 450 dollars from my paycheck without warning or notifying me. The reason for the deduction of money from my ...


My employer decided to take out 450 dollars from my paycheck without warning or notifying me. The reason for the deduction of money from my paycheck is because of bonuses that were paid to me, for leads I generated that were later deemed to be unqualified. They were unqualified by no means of my own doing. I had gathered all necessary information at the time of the generation. Is it illegal for my employer to remove 450 dollars from my paycheck without telling me before hand or having me sign any document with an agreement that I would pay back anything?


Yes, it is unlawful for an employer to deduct from a paycheck money for anything other than the usual taxes, etc. unless the employee signed a document authorizing the deduction. The problem is, if they wanted you to sign such a document and you refused, they could fire you over it and if they overpaid you, and you refused to sign the authorization, they could sue you for repayment. As such, is it really worth it?

What shoes are made in sweatshops?

What shoes are made in sweatshops?
There are several brand name shoes that are known to be made insweat shops. New Balance, Nike, Chuck Taylor and Brooks are just afew.

My fiance' has a home that is pending foreclosure. If we get married before the foreclosure is final, how will that affect me?


My fiance' has a home that is pending foreclosure. If we get married before the foreclosure is final, how will that affect me?


While I would certainly suggest that she does a short sale or loan modification to avoid the foreclosure, you are not personally obligated on the note thus they cannot "sue" you or come after you for a deficiency. However, I have seen times when and "innocent spouse" is denied for their own mortgage due to a foreclosure by the spouse. Regardless, her avoiding the foreclosure is good on both ends. Let me know if I can help any further- Justin Clark www.youhavepower.com

What is the objective of computer shops?

What is the objective of computer shops?
As with all commercial enterprises, no matter what they sell, themain object is to make a profit at the end of the financial year.

what does guilty of battery- Cause continued under rules of supervision for three months, without entry of judgment of conviction mean?In th...


what does guilty of battery- Cause continued under rules of supervision for three months, without entry of judgment of conviction mean?

In the state of Illinois


it sounds like the person pled guilty to battery and was sentenced to supervision. Supervision is a finding of guilt with being convicted. A person is convicted when judgment is entered on the finding of guilt.

If I have a divorce decree stating I get to claim a child on my taxes but I dont have her 51 of the year can I still claim her?


If I have a divorce decree stating I get to claim a child on my taxes but I dont have her 51% of the year can I still claim her?


If the order has not been modified since the time of your divorce then likely would be yes.

What is percentage lease?

What is percentage lease?
It is one type of lease where the tenant pays a base rent plus a percentage of any revenue earned while doing business on the rental premises.It is the term used in commercial real estate.

Hello.My husband is from Paraguay. We were married in NYC in February 2007, but separated since September 2012. We have two children togethe...



My husband is from Paraguay. We were married in NYC in February 2007, but separated since September 2012. We have two children together. I am starting the process of filing for divorce. Will it be possible, even if we are divorced, to sponsor him for a green card? He did not enter the USA legally.

Thank you for your assistance.


No, you must be married in order to be able to petition him. Furthermore, since he entered illegally, the case would be far more complicated, even if you remained married. You would have to file a Provisional Waiver, and, if approved, he would still need to leave the United States for an immigrant visa interview at the U.S. Consulate in his country of nationality.


Please call me at (800) 750-1828 to discuss your case and matters. Kind regards, RDM

Which is the best minicab office in Wimbledon?

Which is the best minicab office in Wimbledon?
Cascade cars provide a very good service in Wimbledon.
See related links below for more information.

I have been accused of doing sexual things to my 3 three daughters. I been told by my ex that social services has taken the children and the...


I have been accused of doing sexual things to my 3 three daughters. I been told by my ex that social services has taken the children and they are at the god parents home and the mother or i can see them until everything is over. It has been a week, I have not receive and call from no one but my ex.I don't know if this is true or not coming from my ex do I need a lawyer?


YES! Your freedom is at risk! That means having a list of good criminal lawyers today so you can start calling at 8 am tomorrow morning.

What did Barbara McClintock do?

What did Barbara McClintock do?
Barbara McClintock was a scientist who made some major discoveriesin the area of gene mapping. Barbara was awarded the Nobel Prizefor her work.

How can a new party be added to a real estate sales contract? Closing is set for March 27 and buyer wants to include his wife on the contrac...


How can a new party be added to a real estate sales contract? Closing is set for March 27 and buyer wants to include his wife on the contract. Does a new contract need to be signed by buyers and seller?


A new contract should not be necessary, but it would require a review of your agreement to advise you. Even if this cannot be worked out by the parties prior to closing, the purchaser could add his spouse to title later. This would be a good question for your real estate attorney, and if you do not have one, a good, though minor, example of why it is a good idea to hire one.


The ease of your attorney making the change depends on whether you are financing the transaction. If financing, then speak to your loan officer to determine whether the lender will allow the spouse to be on title without being on the loan. If they do not want that, then it may be too late to add the spouse to the loan and, frankly, you probably would not want to do so unnecessarily.

If you are paying cash or the lender states it is okay, your attorney can probably use a provision in the contract that refers to a nominee or designated grantee. This would often be found either in the line of the contract that contains your name, followed by something like "or his/her nominee" or in the section of the contract that talks about the deed, something like "title shall be conveyed by recordable deed to grantee or grantee's nominee."

If for some reason your contract does not leave room for you to designate who should be in title, then it will need to be done by request, but there typically would not be any reason the seller would object.

Last resort, convey it later with a warranty deed. Do not use a quit claim deed.

The various scenarios and consequences should be reviewed with your attorney.

Are court reporters used in all cases? If not, why wouldn't one be used? Ithought every case had to have transcripts.


Are court reporters used in all cases? If not, why wouldn't one be used? Ithought every case had to have transcripts.


Not every court proceeding produces transcripts. At a hearing in which you appear, you can bring (at your expenses) a court reporter if you wish.

Show with examples that if the marginal product is always decreasing the average product is always above the marginal product?

Show with examples that if the marginal product is always decreasing the average product is always above the marginal product?
Paper silver has been heavily shorted in the last few weeks. Lowvolume indicated by the 30& 60 day averages has not broughtdown the 200 day average and the price of retail silver on themarket. see links below Note - this is also a great example of theillegal market manipulation our government is enabling. Now if youwant to do the rest of your homework by yourself research thedifference between paper silver and real silver and also note theimpact of the electronic precious metal funds.

I have a premise liability lawsuit against a company that owns a property. After filing my lawsuit, the company sold the property, and at th...


I have a premise liability lawsuit against a company that owns a property. After filing my lawsuit, the company sold the property, and at this writing it will soon be demolished. Question: does the lawsuit have to be settled prior to the building being demolished?


No, What happens to the building is basically irrelevant to the lawsuit. What matters is the condition of the property that led up to the damages, not what happens to it after. It also doesn't matter that it was sold. Liability belongs to the owner at the time of the harm. Who owns it later doesn't matter. Liability stays with the party responsible for the premises at the time.

The only thin you need to be concerned about is obtaining any investigation or inspection of the property you may need to preserve evidence, before it is demolished.

Gave permission for someone else to drive your car and they total it?

Gave permission for someone else to drive your car and they total it?
Sorry, the company that insures the car will cover it (dependent on the coverages and any exclusions), and yes your premiums (if the person is at fault) will likely increase.

I have a 40gb ps3 with no music movies or pictures etc there is little game data utility and saved data utility yet my ps3 says there is only 12gb remaining what is taking up the rest?

I have a 40gb ps3 with no music movies or pictures etc there is little game data utility and saved data utility yet my ps3 says there is only 12gb remaining what is taking up the rest?
its probably you're saved game data

Is there a way to give my teenagers to the state without being charged with a crime of abandonment or neglect?


Is there a way to give my teenagers to the state without being charged with a crime of abandonment or neglect?


No. You can sit down with folks from CPS or the juvenile probation department and talk about the problems you are having which are leading you to such a desperate situation, however. Also, your local community mental health center has folks who can talk to you about these parenting issues.

Good luck.

If I won the case in court, due to a fender bender, can a collection agency hassle money out of me?


If I won the case in court, due to a fender bender, can a collection agency hassle money out of me?


This probably isnt a criminal law question. Try posting it in consumer law.

Core competences of front office?

Core competences of front office?
FRONT OFFICE ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT COMPETENCIES PRIORITY SETTING: Spends his/her time and the time of others on what's important; quickly zeros in on the critical few and puts the trivial many aside; can quickly sense what will help or hinder accomplishing a goal; eliminates roadblocks; creates focus. Meets Expectations: Is able to organize/prioritize work load; finishes the task at hand but acts when more critical tasks arise; assists co-workers in retrieving vital information; assists outside agencies in attaining vital information in a timely manner ORGANIZING: Can marshal resources (people, funding, material, support) to get things done; can orchestrate multiple activities at once to accomplish a goal; uses resources effectively and efficiently; arranges information and files in a useful manner. Exceeds Expectations: Coaches others to better organize their space, materials and processes; creates ideas and innovate systems for better organization of front office. Meets Expectations: Can multi-task; sets appropriate priorities; asks for help when necessary; space is organized and materials are kept in proper place for you and your co-workers; keeps stock supplies available; orders necessary supplies. SELF-KNOWLEDGE: Knows personal strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and limits; seeks feedback; gains insights from mistakes; is open to criticism; isn't defensive; is receptive to talking about shortcomings; looks forward to balanced (+'s and -'s) performance reviews and career decisions. Exceeds Expectations: Asks for feedback from supervisors and co-workers; points out when recognition is appropriate for themselves and checks for confirmation; is very self directed and is proactive in doing things; can laugh at themselves and calm the environment when tension arises; can say no in the appropriate way. Meets Expectations: Is not defensive; doesn't have an excuse for everything takes responsibility for their actions; uses "I" statements and asks for helps when necessary LISTENING: Practices attentive and active listening; has the patience to hear people out; can accurately restate the opinions of others even when he/she disagrees Exceeds Expectations: Can effectively listen for the key elements of purpose of a patient; able to find the purpose fast; can steer and direct the dialogue with patients to get to the intended outcome quicklyMeets Expectations: Can filter out unnecessary distractions to stay on top of work; can listen without being judgmental; can listen to multi-requests from a variety of people, prioritize and accomplish all tasks requested; listens to understand INTERPERSONAL SAVVY: Relates well to all kinds of people, up, down and sideways, inside and outside the organization; builds appropriate rapport; builds constructive and effective relationships; uses diplomacy and tact; can diffuse even high-tension situations comfortably. Exceeds Expectations: Ability to make everyone feel at ease consistently with all co-workers and patients; highly skilled at recognizing difficult situations and get the appropriate person before it escalates Meets Expectations: Talks directly with people about issues; professional with co-workers and patients; brings appropriate issues to their supervisor; takes responsibility for their own actions. COMPASSION: Genuinely cares about people; is concerned about their work and non-work problems; is available and ready to help; is sympathetic to the plight of others not as fortunate; demonstrates real empathy with the joys and pains of others. Exceeds Expectations: Sets boundaries and is compassionate, straightforward with co-workers and patients; takes an active role in coordinating efforts to help others in distress. Meets Expectations: Focuses on the patients; pays attention to people; paraphrases what people say; uses appropriate body language; doesn't classify or label patients; doesn't use judgmental statements with folks; looks at people in the eyes when talking to them; cares about the interaction with patients/co-workers; uses "I" statements; doesn't ask inappropriate questions; is sincere. BOSS RELATIONSHIPS: Responds and relates well to bosses; would work harder for a good boss; is open to learning from bosses who are good coaches and who provide latitude; likes to learn from those who have been there before; easy to challenge and develop; is comfortably coach able. Exceeds Expectations: Manages the boss, provides supervisor with the appropriate information before it is required; is proactive in tasks and anticipates boss "pinches" to prepare them to succeed; creates and offers innovations and new processes to make a supervisor's organization more effective; seeks out areas to improve themselves and/or the department Meets Expectations: Can take guidance and directions effectively; seeks the supervisors assistance when necessary; informs the supervisor about operational issues; treats the boss with respect and is not insubordinate. TECHNICAL FUNCTIONAL: Has the functional and technical knowledge and skills to do the job at a high level of accomplishment.Exceeds Expectations: Competency is so high that they now train and coach others; troubleshoot problems with phone, printers, fax copiers (calls appropriate person); is consistently around 100% efficiency Meets Expectations: Ability to enter the registration screens accurately; accurately enters data in IDX; has proper understanding of the data that is entered; arrive the patient and assemble and check charts; files loose paper work in the chart in the appropriate place; knows how to copy and send reports and documents that information in the chart and in IDX; knows technical issues of HIPPA; ensures that all paperwork and insurance information is appropriately copied and printed and entered into IDX 98% of the time (exception-when insurance set is not in the system and has to be added by the billing department); the chart is properly completed and ready for the provider. TIME MANAGEMENT: Uses his/her time effectively and efficiently; values time; concentrates his/her efforts on the more important priorities; gets more done in less time than others; can attend to a broader range of activities. Exceeds Expectations: Flexible and willing to help out in a tough time; is faster and accurate in processing and avoids delays while treating patients with respect-calm face in a storm; can prioritize and communicate issues that need to be done with co-workers Meets Expectations: Dependable to team-gets to work on time; assigned daily tasks are done in a timely manner (knows what needs to be done and does it without being told); works the expected shift or time; patient's charts are put up in a timely manner = keeps flow going = ensures that patients get taken back in a timely manner. CUSTOMER FOCUS: Is dedicated to meeting the expectations and requirements of internal and external customers; gets first-hand customer information and uses it for improvements in products and services; acts with customers in mind; establishes and maintains effective relationships with customers and gains their trust and respect. Exceeds Expectations: Smiles and calls people by name when entering clinic; is sincere and makes patients feel comfortable immediately; effectively manages patients in the waiting room Meets Expectations: Treats patients with trust and respect; uses eye contact when interacting with patients and co-workers; listens without interrupting; greets patients within the first minute of their arrival. COMPOSURE: Is cool under pressure; does not become defensive or irritated when times are tough; is considered mature; can be counted on to hold things together during tough times; can handle stress; is not knocked off balance by the unexpected; doesn't show frustration when resisted or blocked; is a settling influence in a crisis.Exceeds Expectations: Uses foresight to anticipate tense situations and is ready to calm and be calm; can effectively diffuse tense situations and circumstances; can keep team members calm in times of anxiety- calm attitude is contagious Meets Expectations: Is even keeled and calm in all situations; doesn't let anxiety show through to others; able to complete work through avoiding overreacting to situations and events. INFORMING: Provides the information people need to know to do their jobs and to feel good about being a member of the team, unit and/or the organization; provides individuals information so that they can make accurate decisions; is timely with information. Exceeds Expectations: Helps develop scripting for training purposes Meets Expectations: Provides complete information to patients regarding appointment; directs messages to appropriate voice mail; presents information that make patient feel comfortable & welcome to the clinic; informs patient of patient responsibilities i.e. Insurance card, proof of income; minimum payment of $15; repeats information kindly until patient understands WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: Is able to write clearly and succinctly in a variety of communication settings and styles; can get messages across that have the desired effect. Exceeds Expectations: Consistent with communications 100% of the time Meets Expectations: Message is complete, concise and clear; message is legible, patient information is complete; spelling of names need to be precise (date of birth); who called & current phone #; message to appropriate person in a timely manner

I am requesting information for my son. He and his wife of no more than 11 months have found it impossible now to be Married to eachother. M...


I am requesting information for my son. He and his wife of no more than 11 months have found it impossible now to be Married to eachother. Must they separate prior to filing for a no-fault divorce?

financially they cannot afford to live in separate housing. They each have their own room and seldomly see eachother. There are no children and they own no property. Many thanks


1) They can continue living in same residence during and after divorce.

2) They may want to look into Summary Dissolution - which is a way to get divorced faster, simpler and cheaper than traditional divorce.

3) Google search for California courts official self help website for free info. http://www.courts.ca.gov/selfhelp-divorce.htm

I accident claimed my daughter on my taxes because I have claimed her for 13 years. My ex informed me I needed to amend my taxes. I told him...


I accident claimed my daughter on my taxes because I have claimed her for 13 years. My ex informed me I needed to amend my taxes. I told him I would if it is something I needed to do. They just told me this friday. Now they are threatening me with contempt of court and saying they are going to get me audited. I told them I would amend my taxes and have the proof that says I would. Do they have a case if I already agreed to amend them?


Probably not, but you need to have any court orders or judgments reviewed. It is unclear why you could not claim your child. IRS usually will not audit for this type of error (amount of money is too small).


If there is a court order or settlement agreement ratified by a court granting your ex the right to claim your daughter as a dependent you should follow that court order/ agreement. Failure to comply with the order/ agreement may expose you to the possibility of being held in contempt. You should file the amended tax return as soon as possible if you have not already done so.

My 17 year old son wants to change custody and live with me. He has signed a custody election form adn we are filing it this week. Is there ...


My 17 year old son wants to change custody and live with me. He has signed a custody election form adn we are filing it this week. Is there anything else we need to do? and how likely would a judge be to go against his wishes at 17? I am a responsible, loving father with a solid job and no criminal record. My son can stay in the same school and has already been living with me for a month. He is a responsible kid and has a great realationship with his step mom and siblings. HIs mother plans to contest.


First of all, do NOT use forms! Use a lawyer. That will enhance the chances. You face multiple problems: (1) with a 17 year old and a contested case, the case may never be heard before the child is 18 without a lawyer pushing it, (2) a judge is NOT bound by the child's election, although he must consider it, (3) the court will also have to set child support and visitation. A good lawyer may be able to set up a temporary hearing, and you will likely not accomplish that with forms.


Glen is absolutely correct

Hire legal counsel ASAP

Good luck


I concur with Mr. Ashman and Mr. Villani. A change of custody is not a quick procedure if the other parent does not consent. Take your prior orderm and whatever you have filed on your own, to an attorney and let him/her advise you. It could take months getting a modification order and by that time your son could be 18 at which time he is considered an adult.

How much does one house cost in palm island Dubai?

How much does one house cost in palm island Dubai?
a lot

Is it illegal to change the typing someone said and send it to people?

Is it illegal to change the typing someone said and send it to people?
it depends on what it is if it is info. then yes if its like a joke then no

What are the release dates for Feelin' Good - 2007 Farinata and Salmon - 1.5?

What are the release dates for Feelin' Good - 2007 Farinata and Salmon - 1.5?
Feelin' Good - 2007 Farinata and Salmon - 1.5 was released on:

USA: 2012

Can I have sex with my cousin in Michigan


Can I have sex with my cousin in Michigan


Not with your first cousin under any circumstances. Otherwise you can legally, provided they are at least 16 years old, you are not an authority figure over them (ex. teacher, coach), and they have the mental capacity to consent.

However, just because something is legal doesn't necessarily mean it is right. Always weigh the consequences of anything before moving forward.


Have you asked him whether he wants to have sex with you?


"Can" you have sex with your cousin? Yes. "MAY" you have sex with your cousin? No, if you and your cousin are related by blood ("consanguinity") or marriage ("affinity") to the third degree.

What such of intellectual property that can be protected?

What such of intellectual property that can be protected?
Intellectual property covers a wide range of literary, artistic andscholarly work--from books and short stories, to academicmonographs, to treatments, plays and screenplays, musical works,and artistic works--the list goes on. In short, any original workthat you create--including an invention--can be protected throughvarious avenues: copyright (for original books, stories, academicmonographs, music and choreography, film and photos, plays andscreenplays); trademark (a registration that identifies an entity'sproducts or services as specific to that entity--it is identifiedas an "R" in a circle); patents (which cover mostly inventions, butcan include updates to a specific invention that already exists)and even industrial design rights and trade secrets (likeCoca-Cola's secret formula). Once you register intellectualproperty, you own the rights to it. You can sell or license (for alimited time) those rights as you and the buyer see fit, accordingto the contractual terms that you both agree to. For example,Marvel Comics owns the rights to its characters (like Spiderman andthe X-Men) but they have licensed them out to Fox and Sony to makefilms, even though they are now affiliated with Disney and can maketheir own films. (At the time they originally licensed thecharacters, they were solely into print media--they published comicbooks.) As such, even though they own the rights to the characters,they cannot make movies with them at the moment because thelicenses for that purpose are still being held by the other twofilm companies. That's why, for the time being, the X-Men,Spiderman, and the Avengers won't meet--until (or unless) Marvelrenegotiates its agreement with the other two companies and theycome to a mutually agreeable understanding.

My next door neighbors have been blasting their music for the last 11 years. A sergeant has been out to tell them to stop. Over 15 calls hav...


My next door neighbors have been blasting their music for the last 11 years. A sergeant has been out to tell them to stop. Over 15 calls have been made to 911. Officers tell them to shut the music off. They wait until they leave and blast it again. I am assuming these 2 men are on SSI because they live with their mother and don't work. They have threatened me, broken my car window, it goes on and on. I do intend to move but other people who have put houses up for sale have lost money because of these people. If I take them to Small Claims Court can they cry they have nothing or will the courts make them pay up? The Sergeant advised me to get plenty of proof and documentation because he himself went through the same thing. I have been miserable for 11 years. I cannot go in my backyard, sleep late, have a picnic outside because as soon as I step foot outside they blast their music and drink beer. To try to intimidate me they pointed a camera at my front step and in my backyard. There are police reports galore of excessive noise, verbal and physical threats. I reside in Philadelphia.


Filing a lawsuit your recourse. documentation should include other witnesses to substantiate the noise.

Are there still Roy Rogers restaurants?

Are there still Roy Rogers restaurants?
Almost all restaurants with a bar can make a Roy Rogers. You needonly ask your bartender or your wait-staff for one. Generally thetraditional Roy Rogers is a glass of Cola made with GrenadineSyrup, garnished with a maraschino cherry. Grenadine Syrup is madefrom Pomegranate, which gives it a tart, sweet flavor and itstraditional red color. When added to the cola beverage, it turns toa deep, rich burnt-red color.
I remember this drink as a child, as my parents would getmargaritas, martinis or other alcoholic beverages, I would ask fora Roy Rogers so that I would "fit in." It is a drink of nostalgiafor me today...

What high school classes and subjects help become a tattoo artist?

What high school classes and subjects help become a tattoo artist?
Art class....draw draw draw is what I recommend if you wish to become a tattoo artist. I would say History also but sadly school doesnt teach the history of tattooing.

Discuss the features of computer based inventory system?

Discuss the features of computer based inventory system?

Monday 23 March 2015

What is a good new invention design?

What is a good new invention design?
some thing that will people will be using every day maybe a microwave that can cook things no worm up but cook

George overslept. He got up late, dressed quickly, skipped breakfast, threw on some clothes, and jumped into his car. He was going to be lat...


George overslept. He got up late, dressed quickly, skipped breakfast, threw on some clothes, and jumped into his car. He was going to be late for work, again. He knew that the brakes on his car needed to be fixed, but he had neither the time nor the money to have the work done until after payday. George was driving on Spring Street, doing 35 mph in a 35 mph zone. Suddenly a little boy dashed out from behind a parked car about 50 feet in front of him. George immediately slammed on the brakes, but was unable to stop in time. George hit and injured the little boy. The parents of the little boy sue George for the child's injuries. Discuss the legal issues the cases raises.


This is not a homework site.

what happen if donot consent to magistrate judge, whic is the correct way of consting


what happen if donot consent to magistrate judge, whic is the correct way of consting


As a Franchise Attorney I need to say you have posted your question in the wrong category - intellectual property - which is for copyright, trade secrets, trademarks, etc. Repost your question or consult with a good business or franchise attorney in your area for specific advice.

Mr. Franchise - Kevin B. Murphy, B.S., M.B.A., J.D.

Franchise Foundations, a Professional Corporation

how long can a persons charge be considered under pfi


how long can a persons charge be considered under pfi


There is no set limit. There may be a statute of limitations for the offense- usually 6 years depending on the offense.


What money term refers to a US dollar used in the money markets in Europe?

What money term refers to a US dollar used in the money markets in Europe?
Not to be confused with 'Euros', which is a totally different currency.

What are the release dates for Brutally Normal - 2000 Damaged Goods - 1.6?

What are the release dates for Brutally Normal - 2000 Damaged Goods - 1.6?
Brutally Normal - 2000 Damaged Goods - 1.6 was released on:

USA: 2000

What are the top ten richest countries in the world?

What are the top ten richest countries in the world?
1. US
2. China
3. Japan
4. Germany
5. France
6. United Kingdom
7. Brazil
8. Italy
9. Canada
10. India

By GDP per capita:
1. Luxembourg
2. Norway
3. Qatar
4. Switzerland
5. UAE
6. Denmark
7. Australia
8. Sweden
9. US
10. Netherlands

In a settlement agreement when one party dates the document in error - what are the legalities in any transactions that occur prior to that ...


In a settlement agreement when one party dates the document in error - what are the legalities in any transactions that occur prior to that date. I understand the last date is used and basically postpones any administration till after that date - but what if some administration has occurred?


I can't imagine why an incorrect date (a "scrivener's error") would invalidate or delay administration. The settlement agreement is still binding on the parties. However, your question is too vague - we don't know enough of the story, for any of us here to provide you with an answer that you can rely on. We don't even know the nature of the dispute that caused the need to execute a settlement agreement.

Does RESPA or any other regulation require that a home seller be given a HUD-1 settlement statement prior to the closing by the settlement a...


Does RESPA or any other regulation require that a home seller be given a HUD-1 settlement statement prior to the closing by the settlement agent or the seller's attorney?


It depends. Generally, the buyer and seller are to receive the settlement statement one day prior to closing. In practice, this is not always the case. From the way your question is worded, it may be that the closing agent delivered a copy to your attorney, but it would not be the duty of the closing agent to further ensure that your attorney got it to you. If you have questions, your first step should be to speak with your attorney about the transaction.

What are unforeseen expenditures?

What are unforeseen expenditures?
In budgeting the idea and hope is the writer of a budget is able to plan for every expenditure for the following fiscal year. Of course, doing so is extremely difficult and chancy. Therefore, one item almost every budget has is 'unforeseen expenditures'. This is a category where the bookkeeper assigns any cost which does not a specific place for it. For example; a budget for a small, family owned Deli would have Rent, Utilities, payroll, Janitorial, Cleaning Supplies, Capital Expenses (such as equipment purchases) building maintenance, food, Liability Insurance etc.

An example of an unforeseen expenditure might be a lawsuit for someone slipping on a wet floor which your insurance didn't cover and, therefore, you had to pay out of pocket. Another example might be a private party whose house was damaged in a hail storm and your insurance did not cover everything. Any out-of-pocket costs you incur would be considered an unforeseen expenditure.

What are the negatives of hydroelectric cars?

What are the negatives of hydroelectric cars?
there would be more moisture in the air...

hydrogen as a fuel is not very stable... probably explosions would go up...
so they have to work out the kinks...

My fiance' just recently got a ticket for possession of marijuana. He's on papers with about 20 years over his head. This is a violation of ...


My fiance' just recently got a ticket for possession of marijuana. He's on papers with about 20 years over his head. This is a violation of his probation and recently got out of jail in April. He has a stable job and is a great father to his 2 kids. He hasn't seen his daughter in the past 2 months because her mom has kept her away. He's a great person in and out and I would hate to see him in this situation again. We plan on getting married next year, but this situation has put a damper on our lives right now. Please help us understand what the worst case scenario that is before us. We are praying for a miracle. Is there anyway that he can get out of the violation?


Probably not, once he's convicted of this new criminal offense, but

you'd be well advised (in my opinion) to check with his attorney whom hopefully he has by now to represent him.

My air bag did not come out my car was totaled the. Seat belt saved my life 2013 3 week old challenger do I have a case


My air bag did not come out my car was totaled the. Seat belt saved my life 2013 3 week old challenger do I have a case


I don't have enough information to tell you. Front airbags are triggered by front end collisions. So, if you get hit from behind, on the side, or rollover, your airbags will not inflate. If you had a front end collision and someone else was responsible for causing the collision who had liability insurance ample enough to cover your damages, then airbag deployment is a moot point. Similarly, if your damages were covered by uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage. If there's no or inadequate auto insurance, then you have a case. Personal injury claims in Texas, however, have a 2 year statute of limitations. This means that you must file a lawsuit on or before the 2 year anniversary of the accident or your claim will expire. If your damages are small, then practically speaking you do not have a case since it would be cost prohibitive. You will have difficulty proving your case if the car is gone. There are other issues as well.

Is Gabriella fox a tranny?

Is Gabriella fox a tranny?
No. She is a womanly man. STOP USING LABELS!!

Can you get renters insurance if you have had a bankruptcy?

Can you get renters insurance if you have had a bankruptcy?
Yes, in most cases your credit history can not be the sole basis for rejection of coverage. Your claims history and animals will be the biggest determining factor in whether you get coverage or not.

Do capital market instruments include both long term debt and common stocks?

Do capital market instruments include both long term debt and common stocks?

What is 228 divided by 19 using compatible numbers?

What is 228 divided by 19 using compatible numbers?

What is the point of being papparazi?

What is the point of being papparazi?
The tabloids pay well for 'candid' pictures of the stars.

Who is jamaicans greatest scietist?

Who is jamaicans greatest scietist?
It seems that opinion has Professor Louis Grant as Jamaicas greatest scientist.

Monthly hourly wage?

Monthly hourly wage?
Which country? Which Industry? What degree of experience?BE SPECIFIC!

What is the 100 side lenght of the square area?

What is the 100 side lenght of the square area?
In the square are the 100 side is:
Either the length if it is the larger side or 100>X X would represent a smaller number than 100.
Or the width if it is the smaller side 100<X X in this case would represent the larger number.
100 can be the length and width if every side is 100.
100 could also be called the base if it is the bottom line in like a triangle.
100 could also be called the height if it is the distance between the top and bottom of a polygon like a triangle.
And finally the number 100 could be the actual area of the polygon for a square 100 would require the lw to be 10 on each side.

How much will scooter-man cost between Ascot and Walton on Thames?

How much will scooter-man cost between Ascot and Walton on Thames?
Don't know if Scooterman will cover a journey not involving greater london, but I Drive Your Car will, price from 47 based on town centre to town centre.

What region is cromer in?

What region is cromer in?
Norfork :-)

What is a business loan?

What is a business loan?
A computer is programmed to generate a sequence of three digits, where each digit is either 0 or 1, and each of these is equally likely to occur. Construct a sample space that shows all possible three-digit sequences of 0s and 1s and then find the probability that a sequence will contain exactly one 0.

Who owns starry night over the Rome?

Who owns starry night over the Rome?
im not shure if it is right but i think it is in
a ware house

I want to take custody of my 4 year old sister from my mother I do not feel she is in a safe or stable enviornmnet. The issue I have is that...


I want to take custody of my 4 year old sister from my mother I do not feel she is in a safe or stable enviornmnet. The issue I have is that she lives with my mother in sarasota FL and I live in North Carolina what can I do?


You need to petition the court in the jurisdiction that your sister lives in. For a free consultation, please contact my office at 904-576-2581 or email me at [email protected]/* */


YOu need to Petition the court for guardianship and/or Petitioner the court for Custody. You will need to filethe action in the county in which your sister lives.

In Arizona is there a statute that allows for attorneys fees when settling a personal injury claim?


In Arizona is there a statute that allows for attorneys fees when settling a personal; injury claim?


Attorneys' fees are generally not recoverable in Arizona in personal injury lawsuits.


I am not your lawyer unless we enter into an engagement agreement in writing. This is general information that is given for legal education only. It is not legal advice, and it may not work for your specific situation. I strongly advise you to consult with a local lawyer to get legal advice and help with your specific situation.

if a property that is the subject of a lawsuit is in trust should they trust be sued or the trustee


if a property that is the subject of a lawsuit is in trust should they trust be sued or the trustee


Depends on the reason for the lawsuit.


Mr. Jordan is right. It depends on whether the trust has been established as a legal entity, which many irrevocable trusts are with their own TIN, or if the trust is inchoate in which case you name the trustee by name "as trustee for the [name of trust]."

What does this mean? On Thursday of each week during the regular school term beginning at 6 p.m. and ending at 8 p.m., or at the possessory ...


What does this mean? On Thursday of each week during the regular school term beginning at 6 p.m. and ending at 8 p.m., or at the possessory conservator's election made before or at the time of the rendition of the original of modification order beginning at the tine the child's school resumes, unless the court finds that visitation under this subdivision is not in the best interest of the child


Hard to really say without knowing more about the election and the terms of the original modification order.


The provision is referring to the possessory conservator's weekly Thursday two hour visitation with the children - but Mr. Kielich is right, without more information, it is impossible to know. Apparently, if the possessory conservator made an election as to a different schedule at the time of rendition of the order, then that election would prevail. In either case, the Court retains the right to suspend the visitation. It is a difficult, wordy sentence, and the surrounding language would help explain it.

Hello,Jan 2011, My grandfather tripped in a restaurant and broke his hip. He passed away from complications due to the hip surgery July 2012...



Jan 2011, My grandfather tripped in a restaurant and broke his hip. He passed away from complications due to the hip surgery July 2012. We did not move forward with a personal Injury court case due to all the emotional issues, home care needed along with our daily occupation. Can we still move forward with a lawsuit against the restaurant and there insurance company? Thank You in advance for your time.



Hello there--alas, the take I have for you on this isn't good. It's a matter of the statute of limitations, meaning the time that Va. law gives us to sue.

You may have two injuries here: the hip fracture and the post-surgical complications that took your grandfather's life. The first one first: A slip-fall is a personal injury claim. Va. law gives us two years to sue on those, so we ran out of time in Jan. 2013 if the date we count from is the date of the slip-fall. If we want to say the complications from the hip surgery were the real injury, a pretty attenuated claim that probably wouldn't stand up in court (at least not against the restaurant), we still have only until July 2014 at the latest.

Same with a medical malpractice claim, which also has a two-year limitations period, with one or two narrow exceptions not applicable here (for instance there's one for late discovery of cancer). We would have had to bring suit, at the latest, by July 2014, two years after the date of death. The irony is that had this happened in Maryland, whether the tort was the slip-fall or the post-surgical complications, we'd have had another year.

I'm sorry I couldn't be the bearer of better news. It may be small comfort, but you're not alone. Lots of people with claim that might have had merit end up not filing them for compelling reasons like yours. Good luck to you and your family, and if I can ever be of help, just let me know at [email protected]/* */ --Steve Pershing.